Do you mind?

"He hasn't come out." Rirk, one of the prince's personal guard asks his senior, Fryde. "Did something happen to him?"

"Who could do anything to him?" Fryde tries to hide the worry in his heart. If something happens to the prince, what will happen to them? The emperor might not like Prince Adira, but Adira is still Emperor's son. He's only 14 too. At this young age, he has plundered kingdoms and butchered anyone who stood in his way. The entire king's bloodline is wiped. There was no mercy. Sometimes, he wonders if he's a human or a demon.

"But, he wouldn't take this long."

Rirk's words are right. Prince Adira is quick. He won't stop anywhere for a cup of tea. Fryde takes a breath. Prince Adira has asked them to finish anyone who might have been missed in the palace. But, there are only dead bodies.

They know about the soul magician prince. Did he do something?