I always wanted a fat wife

For the last four days, there's been a crisis in the shrine of the rain god.

It seems that trees, plants, and anything green is growing anywhere at any time, covering the entire shrine. No matter how many times they remove the weed, it would regrow madly. The shrine appears to be a mini-forest to outsiders.

"What happened here?" 

"I am sure that there was a shrine here."

The onlookers keep wondering.

On the fifth day, the priests run away, thinking that the shrine is haunted or it's the wrath of the god.

"Who dares to invade my shrine?" Sitting in the main shrine room, the rain god, as fat as a bear with huge round eyes, dressed in blue silk robes, materializes and roars, "Show yourself!"

"And I was wondering how long it takes to tick off a rain god." The echoing voice is cool, amused, and penetrating. "It takes five days."