Stop using me as your pawn

"Ra… Rum... Rum…" 

Her voice is soft and melodic, disturbing the silence while carrying a certain silence with her eyes closed and her arms are widespread; long sleeves presenting an illusion of wings as she floats in a timeless horizon. 

"Rum… Ra… Ra… Rum… Rum…" She hums a tune. "Nah… Nah… Nah… Oh, it was all in vain."

A chuckle in the darkness. Someone asks, "What was?"

"My redemption." Kresi doesn't open her eyes. "Oh, I can never be redeemed of my sins.. I am…"

Another laughter. 

"It breaks slowly." Kresi lifts her hand that is not supposed to be there. "Then again, it's surprising that I managed to survive Qeshaya."

"What do you mean?" The voice is childish and mocking. "Do you know something that I don't?"

"Shayera, Quinn, Rui, Mirai, Pebby, Gabriel," She says the names of everyone she met in her two long lives. "Ai, and Aren,"

"What about them?"