I heard Ari's voice


It's been a month since Rilyah went to Qeshaya.

There's a certain unrest in all the realms of Iravan. 

The goddess of night and wishes rarely comes out of her palace since her daughter had been punished. Rilyah's sisters have lost their usual liveliness. The entire Iravan is under a melancholic mood. 

The other gods stay in their realms, trying to fix what can be fixed and wait for solutions.

The Dark Realm is not doing anything better. 

There's barely any noise. The entire realm is shrouded in fear and silence. The Dark God is rarely in a good mood these days.

The only time when he smiles is in the moments that he spends with his daughter. Misumi is getting better. Her channels are nearly healed but she's not ready to be exposed to the world. The Dark God doesn't let anyone see the child -- not even Mogrok. In the dark castle, he's the only one who takes care of her.