First Quest

A dirt road leading up to the town. On both sides of the road, a wheat farm stretched far across the plains. The picturesque sceneries were complimented by the good weather. Sounds of birds chirping traveled through the air and Yuri was completely immersed as he took a break for a second to close his eyes and seep it all in.

After walking for about ten minutes in the dirt road, Yuri finally saw clearly the town he saw at the distance. The town was built on top of an island on the edge of the lake, the town itself was quite big and surrounded by a stone wall. Inside its stone wall, countless medieval houses with burning chimneys filled the majority of the space while on the northern edge of it a castle stood tall among the rest of the houses.

Yuri was amazed by the sight, and can't wait to feel the atmosphere of the town itself. He picks up his pace and was greeted by a stone bridge that leads to the front gate of the town. In there, he can finally see some players and NPC. Sounds of chatters added with the beautiful view of the lake filled the surroundings. His head was all around the place but his feet didn't stop moving towards the innards of the city.

He kept walking aimlessly and arrived at the town square. The town square itself was the heart of that place, at the center of it was a large water fountain decorated with angel statue on top of it. Players wearing leather armors or NPC with their civilians clothing and even the nobles can be seen there, with the occasional guards that passed by to patrol the city.

In there, the sounds of chatters and clamors of the place were even louder than he was at the bridge. The town was just like the real world, people coming and going, customers haggling, and even the pub filled with drunkards.

Even though he was mesmerized by the sight, he decided not to be stuck in there and set his minds to finds more information about the place. He perked his head and barely saw a big sign that reads 'Adventurer's Guild', just north of the town square.

His eyes gleamed and moved his feet towards the place.

In Emperor's Destiny, The Adventurer's Guild was like a hub for the players, a place to mingle with each other, finds a party, or even take bounties, but, this place was built especially for the newer players to find information and tutorials for the game. And also this place was the place where most of the trolls or even scammers are found.


His steps were steady as he finds himself standing just outside The Adventurer's Guild front door. The place itself was quite big, similar to the inns of the medieval era. From the outside, he can hear players talking and laughing. What a lively place he said in his minds, he took a breath and stepped inside.

Few gazes were looking at him when he entered the place, while he just ignored it and walked straight to the receptions counter. Yuri saw a girl was standing just behind the counter smiling at him.

"Welcome to Stonehelm branch of Adventurer's Guild, how may I help you?"

"Information about this place."

"Please wait a second."


A window appeared in front of him. Stonehelm Town, one of the town under the jurisdiction of Misthelm kingdom. Surrounded by abundant natural resources, such as lumber's, iron's, and also its fertile lands.

On the west of the town, the Stonehelm forest can be found, adventurer should be cautious when navigating through the forest because monsters roam its vicinity.

On the East of the town is the town iron quarries at the feet of Mount Redpeaks, goblins have been seen coursing through the perimeter of the quarries so tread with cautions.

On the north of the town, was Lake Silvia, filled with freshwater fish and marine animals, if one so desired to be a fisherman, this was the best place to start.

On the south was the vast plains of Arugal, that leads to the neighboring town, Lindow. Adventurers, be aware, don't get lost by midnight, as ghouls and ghost's roamed free in its surface.

The Stonehelm Town itself was ruled and managed by a young viscount by the name of Coenred. Conferred the title at the age of twenty-seven after his father passed away by old age. The young viscount took reigned of the town and managed to make its citizens happy, by providing a better living...

Yuri closed the windows after he read the first paragraph of the place history. Its long, too long to read he berated in his minds, but the text did give him a useful piece of information, and that is the locations of the hunting grounds.



The boisterous place was now filled with silence when they heard the sudden yell. All the players head were turned, looking at the man that yelled before, and Yuri was no exception.



Stop the goblins invasions towards the town of Stonehelm.

Goblins were amassing an army to invade the town of Stonehelm, now the army was completed and the invasions had just begun. Although a being with lower intelligence, the goblins were a vengeful monster, being disturbed and hunted by the town citizens, the goblins have planned a revenge towards Stonehelm.

Quest Difficulty : E+

Quest Requirements : Vicinity of Stonehelm

Issued by : Viscount Coenred


Yuri was startled for a second because the window just suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. He also looked at his surroundings and all the players there were either busy accepting the quest or preparing their equipment. Yuri looked at his quest windows again and thought that this was the perfect opportunity to gain his level.



- You have accepted the quest. -

Dynamic events such as this were one of Emperor's Dynasty highlighted feature. This was created by the hands of talented engineers filled with crazy ideas. They created a learning AI to emulate the cycle of death and rebirth. Such as the birth of new NPC's with its own memories and personalities, that were shaped by a special algorithm and influenced by its environments to imitate the process of human growth. This AI was also implemented with all of the creatures besides the NPC's.

And so the Dynamic Events were created, this event can also be called a natural progression of the world, that will be written in the annals of history of Fantasia. As amazing as it sounds, this so-called natural progression had its share of downside. And that was the humongous size of memories it takes inside the server.

This downside is also a major problem for the company that created Emperor's Dynasty. Basically saying, they're broke just to pay the server costs, and in desperate needs for an investor's, but, sadly, no investor's were interested in a game that didn't make money.


Back to the Adventurer's Guild. Yuri was browsing through his mailbox once more trying to find a suitable piece of gear for his level. He spends about thirty minutes, just to navigate through his mailbox, and finally found a piece of body armor and a pair of fists weapon. Although he was gifted with the best equipment that would make every player drool, or even envied him in his mailbox, instead he just shook his head. Just looking at the sheer amounts of it, gives him a headache already.

"Lillie, you're a maniac...*Sigh*"

He looked at the items he got through his inventory. The body armor was a leather type armors with the name [Jerkins of Relentless Power] and equipped it right away. The armor automatically fitted on his body on top of his default white villagers clothing. The armor itself was black in color and looked like stacked rectangular leather, that goes from his neck and ended in the chests area, just above the stomach.

A decent piece of armor that covered all of his chests areas, but didn't cover the shoulders part and most of his stomach. Done admiring his new piece of armor he then proceeds to equip his new weapons, [Bandit's Grasp].

Same as before the weapons automatically fitted to his hands. The weapons were nothing fancy, it's just like a bandage, that has been wrapped into his hands that goes towards his elbows. He tried to throw a punch with the weapons in his hands and it just felt natural to use it, he then proceeds to check his status.


Name : Yurian

Race : Human

Gender : Male

Alignments : Neutral

Professions : None

Reputation : 0


Level : 1


Health : 150

Mana : 100

Strength : 10 +5

Stamina : 11

Vitality : 10

Agility : 10 +4

Dexterity : 10 +2

Wisdom : 10

Intellect : 10

Charisma : 10

Luck : 2


Resistance : None


Physical Attack : 18

Magical Attack : 0


Defense : 12


Guild : None

Territories : None


Equipments :

[Jerkins of Relentless Power - Rare] +2 Strength, +2 Agility.

[Bandit's Grasp - Rare] +3 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Dexterity.


Yuri had a wide grin on his face while looking at his status. This is power! He said in his minds, his inner child once again in control over his brain. He also saw that his equipped items had a rarity, he was puzzled at first and then remembered that the items were color coded with the color blue, just before he equipped it. Indicating the rarity with the ranks of rare.

Emperor's Dynasty had a classification of item rarity just like any MMORPG's or RPG's in general, that goes from lowest to highest which are common, uncommon, magic, rare, epic, legend, and god, but, so far the highest items that the players got only have the ranks of epic and that was acquired by defeating a raid boss. Even the top players that have reached level five hundred or more only used a set of epic ranked equipments.

And because of this, the items that had the ranks above epic ranks were considered a myth by many players. Of course, Yuri was clueless about this classifications, because he just skipped all the information provided by the game manuals.

He was busy admiring his status, with a wide smile plastered all over his face. Satisfied, he closed his status window and rushed towards the battlefields. He navigated through the stone tiled roads of Stonehelm.

Just as he rushed through the streets, he saw the town streets looked empty compared to before, and the sight was quite disturbing. He assumed that the majority of the citizens there were consumed by fears and locked tight their doors. The only ones that used the streets were either players or the viscount soldiers that were rushing through just like Yuri did.


He finally arrived at the battlefields. Countless soldiers and players were battling an army of furious goblins that were armed with either swords, clubs, or even flails that they got from their victims. The shrieks of the fallen were haunting to hear, blood was scattered all over the place, and his body shivered by the sight.

This is a real battlefield, and his minds were jumbled by the thought. He looked at his hands and noticed that his hands were shaking fervently. He gripped his hands tight and took a deep breath. He organized his minds, and slowly opened his eyes to look at the battlefields once more.

His eyes were clear and still as water, he composed himself not to get carried away by the emotions. No longer his eyes filled with fears, only determination. I've been to many battlefields before, betting with my life and my sister, and this was nothing compared to it.

This was his thoughts after experiencing the suffering from his past, in fact, he was correct, this was nothing compared to the real life, it was just a binary number consisted of ones and zeroes, and with that mindset, he already conquered his first obstacle in this game.

Yuri scanned the battlefields looking for his opportunity to strike. The moments arrived swiftly, a goblin with his club was rushing towards him, thinking that he was an easy prey. He noticed that he was targeted, he took a deep breath once more, and moved his feet to intercept the goblin that rushed towards him.