Disjointed Party 1




- Incoming call from Unknown -

[Answer] | [Decline]







"Geez…You don't have to yell…"


Jared's Cave, a dangerous dungeon even for a seasoned adventurer. It was designed for a three-man party with an average level of six. This was because of the sheer numbers of monsters inside it are staggering, combined with their clustered spawn points, will make even the three-man party have a hard time if they didn't focus.

Yuri, of course, was oblivious to the requirements, and came inside alone because of the suggestions of his sister. At first, it was doable, because the skeletons came in a small group, but, as he ventured deeper inside the dungeon, the skeletons he fought came in a greater number and seemed like there's no end for it.

For four hours straight, he fought the same monsters again and again. His level and stats rose rapidly, but at the same time, his stamina was depleting the longer he fought.

Even though with each level increase, his stamina came back to full, the amount he used for fighting the relentless assaults of the skeletons, were not equal to the levels he acquired, and now he was fighting with the risk of immobilization if the situation didn't improve.

"Where are you anyway?"


"Looks like you're in trouble…"


Yuri stamina was almost depleted, he decided to run away and hide near the dungeon entrance.

His all-out effort was futile, this was because when he defeats one skeleton, ten more will come charging towards his face. He defeated the ten, twenty more will come, he also defeated the twenty, and thirty will come, it's just like an endless cycle.


Yuri crouched in the corner near the entrance, just behind the big pillars on the first hall.

"This dungeon is making me crazy!"

"…Looks like you're having fun in there."

"You're stupid."





- Incoming call from Unknown -

[Answer] | [Decline]



"Hello? Hello? Hello?"

"I can hear you just fine."

"Who is that Yuri?? And that sounds like a girl?? Is that your girlfriend??"

"She's just an acquaintance I met today…"

Felix was puzzled by the answer, that was because according to his memory, Yuri said that he was going home, and not meeting some people, especially girls.

Felix felt the emotions risen up to his head, "You're a bad liar, you know that! You said before, you're going straight home! And now, here's a girl that came out of nowhere and she's playing a game with you all of the sudden!! But, I didn't get mad because of that, because I'm not that kind of person, to get jealous for my brother relationship, but, I'm mad at you because you didn't tell or even take me when you're meeting a girl, I thought you're my family Yuri, but who knew, you're a traitor all along. Che." He fumed.

"…" Yuri had his energy seeped out from his body just by hearing Felix lengthy speech. He decided not to open his mouth, because he knew it's going to be worthless anyway.

So-hee chuckled after hearing Felix preach, the scene was comical and she felt refreshed hearing that.


"Where are you?" So-hee asked.

"…Jared's Cave."

"Hmm…Okay. I'll be there in five minutes, wait for me okay."


Felix was fuming with anger, after hearing the two conversated with each other, without having the slightest intention, to include him within it. And also, his last statements were ignored and thrown into the trash can, like it's a waste of breath just to respond to that.

"OH! I see! You ignored mine and answered her question instead…I see how it is now…Fine…That's fine…That was expected…Since you're a traitor after all. Hmph." Felix said sarcastically, and sulked after.

"Sigh…You're such a kid." Yuri retorted.

"I am a kid! What now huh?" Felix countered.

"Grow up!"

"I will! But not now!"

"That doesn't even make sense! And what do you want me to do huh?"

"I don't know, maybe, APOLOGIZE!"





"…Hahaha." The two laughed at the same time. They haven't had this type of conversations in a long time. Most of the time, the talk they had was about the company, marketing strategies, or something related to that. But, thanks to this game they can let go some of the stress and just have fun inside it.

So-hee on the other hand, keep her mouth shut, afraid to make the situation becoming more chaotic with her addition in it. So, she just listened closely. At first, she felt awkward, but after hearing more about it, she let out a little chuckle. It was cute and heart-warming at the same time.

Done with their laugh, Yuri let out a smile and asked, "Right. Where are you, Felix? Stonehelm?"


"Hmm…So that's where everyone started, huh…"

"Not everyone, it's just where the human races starting zone." So-hee finally chimed in.

"I see…You're at Stonehelm too, right? Ms. So-hee?"

"Uh-huh." So-hee nodded, but realized that it was a voice messenger, "Yes." She clarified.

"Great. Felix, you can follow her here. She knew more about this game, than you and I—Oh! I almost forgot to introduce her. She's Ms. Yang So-Hee, her in-game name is Kiya, is that right?"

"Yep. And please drop the honorifics, you can call me So-hee if you want. Hehe." So-hee chuckled, she was happy with the fact that Yuri remembered her details.

"You hear that Felix— FELIX!"

"HUH? UH! Yes?" Felix was startled.

"Sigh…This is why you're getting dumped all the time."

"Ugh! Why must you bring that up, besides, I'm not looking at girls or anything…"

"You're an idiot…Anyway, find her!"

"Yes, sir! And nice to meet you Ms. So-hee, I'm Felix, Felix Farley."

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Felix. I'll be waiting in the training halls then, see you there Mr. Felix, and Yuri I'll drop the call first okay! Meet you later."

- Unknown dropped the call -

"Looks like she's interested in you."

"Shut up! Just go find her already!" Yuri ignored the idea and scolded instead.

"Okay, okay! Geez…You're just like my mom…"

"If you're still talking, I swear by Lillie's name that I'm going to tell aunt Sophia, that you're playing with girls left and right!"

"NO! YURI! OKAY!! I'M GOING!!" Felix panicked while imagining the outcome, because he knew that Yuri really means it, if he swears by his sister name.

- Unknown dropped the call -


The skeletons are still patrolling near the entrance, thankfully, they didn't get aggroed by sound, if they were, maybe Yuri will be dead already for talking with Felix and So-hee.

He was still hiding in a crouched position, behind one of the pillars in the first hall.

His stamina slowly regenerated to its previous state. While waiting, he decided to might as well munch on the leftover roasted meat from before, killing two birds with one stone.

Ten minutes passed and his stamina already back to full, but, he still didn't move from his hiding spot. He decided to wait for the two before resuming his fight. He browsed his mailbox once more to find a suitable equipment's for his avatar.

His finger scrolled up and down towards the never-ending list of mails, and found several items suited for his level.

[Scarred Leather Mask - Rare] Mask made of wild boar leather, quite durable. [Durability: 60/60 |1 Defence, +2 VIT, +1 Poison Resistance.] (Requirements: Level 5 and Above.)

[Deep Black Leggings - Rare] Leggings that have been exposed to minor darkness energy, slightly cold when worn. [Durability: 50/50 | 5 Defence, +3 AGI, +2 Dark Resistance.] (Requirements: Level 6 and Above.)

[Crimson Cloth Footguards - Rare] Crafted and baptized by the blood of wolves, the footguards gave out a slight savage aura. [Durability: 50/50 | 3 Defence, +2 AGI, +2 STA.] (Requirements: Level 5 and Above.)

- Inventory full. Automatic item pick-up disabled. -

Yuri was startled by the announcements, he didn't know that his inventory had a space limit. His finger moved and checked his inventory right away. [Path of The Supreme], 13x [Rotten Bone], 5x [Raw Wolf Meat], 8x [Bone Dust], 3x [Worthless Wolf Fur], 2x [Worthless Fox Fur], 4x [Burnt Ash], [Scarred Leather Mask], [Deep Black Leggings], and [Crimson Cloth Footguards].

Mostly the items in his inventory, were the items that he acquired from defeating the skeletons, some of it was useful for alchemy, such as, [Bone Dust] and [Burnt Ash], while the rest are mainly loots that didn't have price, or just trash in general. Well, at least the merchants will buy it for one copper, just to pity at him.

The items are automatically stacked within the inventory, and, for the player's convenience, it also has the auto sort functions, but, the only downside of his inventory is the size, it was incredibly small, ten slots and its full already, even a backpack had a bigger size than that.

Thankfully the inventory is also can be upgraded at the nearest mage association. Of course, it will not be free, no such thing as free in this world, either it was a sample, or it was simply a scam.

The mages will upgrade it depending on the ranks of the inventory, to upgrade it, they will ask to either pay with money or rare items, or even both if they're greedy enough. The prices will depend on the locations of the mage associations itself, so it was suggested to take one in a major city, not in a wilderness somewhere, unless they wanted to get scammed then that's fine too.

Luckily for him, the mage associations offered a free inventory upgrade for adventurers with a common rank inventory, but, unfortunately, Yuri was unaware of that, if he knew, maybe he will go to the mage associations inside Stonehelm immediately, after he just arrived there.

He shook his head and decided not to dwell much into it, instead he focused himself equipping his newly acquired equipment's, with his level that barely met the level requirements.

"Avatar Status."


Name : Yurian

Race : Human

Gender : Male

Alignments : Neutral

Professions : None

Reputation : 0

Infamy : 10


Level : 6


Health : 320

Mana : 110

Strength : 17 +5

Stamina : 15 +2

Vitality : 14 +2

Agility : 21 +9

Dexterity : 14 +3

Wisdom : 11

Intellect : 11

Charisma : 11

Luck : 2


Resistance :

+2 Dark Resistance

+1 Poison Resistance


Physical Attack : 31

Magical Attack : 0


Defense : 22


Guild : None

Territories : None


Equipments :

[Scarred Leather Mask - Rare] +2 VIT, +1 Poison Resistance.

[Jerkins of Relentless Power - Rare] +2 STR, +2 AGI.

[Bandit's Grasp - Rare] +3 STR, +2 AGI, +2 DEX.

[Silver Bangle - Uncommon] +1 DEX.

[Deep Black Leggings - Rare] +3 AGI, +2 Dark Resistance.

[Crimson Cloth Footguards - Rare] +2 AGI, +2 STA.


Passive Skills :

Fist Mastery [Lv.2]: ATK+8% Using Fist Weapons.

Will of Steel [Lv.1]: STA+3%.

Swift Movements [Lv.3]: AGI+10%.

Silent Steps [Lv.1]: Muffled movements when crouching.


Active Skills:

Lion's Roar [Lv.1]: Buff the allied party with +10 STR and +10 STA, also inflict fears to the nearby enemies. Lasts for 1 Minute | Cost: None | Cooldowns: 10 minutes | Not stackable with another Roar skills.


Yuri was baffled looking at his agility stats, it's even higher than his strength stats. No wonder he can escape the skeletons onslaught easily there.

This was because of his playstyle, he tends to dodge the attack of the enemy and counter it, instead of creating the opportunity himself by actively attacking. The system calculated all of that, and distributed the rewards based on his performance.