Conspiracy (1)

"What happened!!"

"S-Sir, it's the server..."

"Finish the damn sentence!!"

"W-Well, it's overflowing with data, sir...It's-It's like...The program is writing its own code..."

"What!! Can't we do something about it? We can't have a downtime now, not with our financial status!!"

It was a busy night for the Emperor's Dynasty company, especially at the server room. Engineers, programmers, project managers, and even the night shift staff workers were there, they needed every help they can get to appease the situation.

One shout after another, panic and distress were a common sight inside there. The project managers were sweating from head to toe, if they were to lose the data in their server, they might as well declare a bankruptcy. And, that was mainly because of his fault even though he didn't know why either.

The project manager was praying as hard as he can, and this was the first time he ever prayed in the entirety of his life, 'Please, don't let me lose this job.'

The company were in a tight budget, but, that doesn't mean they didn't pay their employees, in fact, the company always paid their employees in time, maybe that's why the workers there were so loyal in the first place.

"S-Sir...The server condition is...Coming back to normal...But..."

The project manager perked his ears up, "BUT WHAT?"

"It's-It's leaking through the internet sir...It's still multiplying...Just like a virus..."

"Is it still works??"

"Y-yes...But...We can't make adjustments to it..."


"We didn't have controls over the game anymore sir..."

The project manager felt his head going to explode, the amount of stress he got was off the charts, and his blood pressure rushed towards his brains. He just wanted to faint and forget all of this, but, knowing his responsibility, he took a deep breath.

"Okay. Stabilize the conditions first, I'm going to meet the boards of director first thing in the morning and see what step we should take next."


The chilly night slowly walked away and replaced by the light of the first rays from the sun. The veiled white scattered away and became a drop of water, signifying the beginning of a new day.

"Shias ascas nifkva?"

"Yes, our motion has finally begun. Just look at those mortals running around, pathetic. Hahaha."

"...Casda nvsasd mincsa asdva??"

"Hmm...There's a slight problem indeed...That man just didn't know when to give up..."

"Nkas nix?"

"No, it's just a vain effort anyway. Let him bask in his fallacious glory, we can deal with him later."

"Csacd cxans nixas..."

"Haha...Yes, I'm indeed a vile god..."





The phone inside his pockets was ringing and vibrating nonstop. Yuri slowly opened his eyes, he saw the dive helmet was still attached to his head. He took it off and tried to get off from the apparatus.

One step outside the device, he wobbled and dropped to his knees. He felt nauseated, and also his energy was nowhere to be found. His breathing is ragged, aside from the dizziness he also felt that there was something wrong with his body, and as a result he vomited.

The vomit looked black in color, and the odor of it was unbearable. It's like he's throwing out the impurities left inside his body, but, after he did that, he felt his body was slowly regenerating, the lethargic feelings he felt were slowly mended.

He grabbed the edge of the dive device, trying to stand up with its help. After he got up within his two feet, he grabbed his head, trying to recall the jumbled memory he got from last night.

'What...Happened...It's like...The world is spinning...'

Yuri shook his head, he wobbled along the way while stepping on his own vomit that was scattered all over the floor. His destination was the bathroom, intending to give himself some cold water to refresh himself.

The sounds of running water echoed through his ears. Somehow, it felt therapeutic to his chaotic minds. He stood there motionless, he closed his jade eyes, taking a deep breath one after another.


The cold water splattered upon his pale face. It trickled down through his long neck, the sluggish feelings he got were no more, his breath was calmed and his heart was beating normally.

Slowly he opened his eyes and saw his reflection on the mirror. He was shocked by the sight. His hair was turned into white, his eyes were shaking.


He turned his head toward his right hand. It was shaking non-stop, while slowly turning to show his palm. His heartbeat was beating faster, contrary to its previous state, his minds were once more in chaos.

"Its...Just a game...Why..."

Disbelief, he tried to think about it logically, but there is no answer to this. It was otherworldly, magical, and supernatural at the same time. 'If this is real...Then...What is that game...' He tried to find the answer within his minds. But, the longer he thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

He rushed towards the windows, and dragged the curtains. To his surprise, nothing was happening in the world, the sun still rose from the east, and the people still busy with their daily life, be it, office workers, owners of a business, celebrities or even housewives were busy with their own schedule.

"Everything looked normal...But...Why my feelings told me that something was wrong, somewhere, or something..."

His minds were back to its calmed state, he reconciled with his conflicting thoughts, knowing that nothing will change even when he formulates the answer for his situation.

"Lillie. I must see Lillie."

His body was in a mess, but he didn't care for it in a slightest, he rushed to his cars and drove towards Lillie hospital.

He ran through the hospital hallways, the nurses and the doctors saw him ran past and was puzzled by his actions. At first, they only took a glimpse but somehow, inside their minds they knew who was the one that ran past them, they took a glance again, but nothing came out.


VIP Room 3. Yuri arrived in front of Lillie's room, he rushed through all of that hallways, and even took the stairs when the elevators were busy. But, somehow, he didn't feel tired at all, on the contrary, he felt great, his breathing was fine, his muscle was fine, and his brain was as calm as it can get.

He was puzzled by it for a second and shook his head trying not to get stuck in it. He took a breath and opened Lillie's room.


The white bed sheet, the fragrance of fresh flowers, and the warm rays of the morning sun. Yuri can't hold his tears, she was sitting on her bed, looking outside the windows. Yuri rushed towards her, and hug her tight.

Lillie was startled, he was shocked at first, but after she saw the person who hugged her, she smiled.

"Wh-What happened big brother??"

"N-Nothing..." He said while letting go his embrace, and smiled after.

"Y-You're a mess...OH! Your hair is white? Do you want to be an idol?"

"Ah...This...Yes...And no..."

Lillie was puzzled by her brother response, 'Is brother in some sort of trouble?' She thought.

"Are you...Dumped by a girl??"

Yuri was flustered by Lillie question, "Wh-No. Of course not." He said with his awkward smile.

The two were chatting peacefully, and the time passed quickly. Yuri lost in his conversations with his little sister, forgetting everything that happened to him last night.


Lillie's room door opened once more, Yuri turned his head. His eyes were shaken, he was shocked by what he saw from the other side of the room's door, the familiar feelings.

A child, probably twelve in age, his hair was blonde, he wears a black suit and a red tie. Standing on the other side of the door, smiling at him, with his red colored eyes.

"Hello, young man."


Yuri was shocked, his feelings were right, somehow, the child reminded him of the old man from the game. That red colored eyes, that smile, and that aura.

Lillie was puzzled, she also looked towards the door, and also saw the child, but somehow, that child looked blurry to her. She also felt that something wrong with that child, she shifted her gaze towards her brother, and saw the shock in her brother's eyes.

"Wh-What is happening, big brother..."

The child chuckled, "You indeed are a good brother..."

Yuri's face turned serious, "What do you want old man? Haven't you give me enough trouble already!"

Lillie was shocked by her brother response, she clearly saw that the person from the other side of the door was a child, but why her brother calls him an old man instead.

"W-Who is that big brother??" Panic can be heard from her sweet voice.

Yuri tensed his body, ready to charge at the child if anything bad were to happen, he also ignored what Lillie said, focusing his sight and his minds towards the child.

The child moved his little feet, going into the room slowly. Sweat rolled through Yuri's cheek, while glaring at the child every motion.

"You still haven't changed young man...Maybe that's why I was fixated with you..." The child chuckled while walking closer towards the sibling's.

Fear. Lillie's felt fear, it was gripping her heart, she was scared, unconsciously, he grabbed her brother's hands and gripped it tight.

"Don't be afraid little girl. I'm not here to hurt you. Hehe." The child chuckled.

The child stopped his step. He was standing in front of the two, smiling at the two.


Yuri was startled by the sudden snap, he felt Lillie's grip was lessening in his hands, he panicked and turned his head towards his little sister. She was unconscious, soundly sleeping in her white-sheeted bed.

There was fury inside his eyes. Yuri turned his head towards the child, ready to lunge him at any moment.

"WHAT DID YOU DO OLD MAN!!" He growled.

The child chuckled once more and took a stroll across the room just to arrive beside the windows.

"Now, now...Let's be civilized. No need for violence. I just put her to sleep, that's all." The child smiled while gazing outside the windows, and continued "What a beautiful world...Sad...It's going to be ravaged..."

Yuri didn't put his guard down, he was aware that the child was a vicious person, basing on his previous encounter, where he was cheated and dragged into a mess that he didn't even have the knowledge of.

"Just go straight to the point old man. I'm sick of your game!"

"Getting feisty now aren't you, young man. Hehehe."


The child turned his body and gazed towards Yuri straight in his eyes with a smile plastered upon his round small face.

"Time is short, young man. But, first, your rewards."

The child walked closer towards the two, he pointed his small palm towards Lillie body.

"[Perfect Heal]"

Lillie's body was filled with divine light, slowly penetrating towards her flesh and repaired her broken cells. Getting rid of her remaining tumors, while at the same time giving her an even stronger metabolism.

Yuri had his eyes wide opened, in his minds conflicting thoughts appeared one after another, should he thank the child for healing his little sister, but somehow, there's a catch for all of this. This situation was too good to be true.

"What do you want old man?" He said with his serious face. Although there's a catch for this, he would gladly take the consequences for this, everything he did right now was always for his sister, even if he would make a pact with the devil to make his sister happy, he would take it with an opened arms.

The child stretched his body, "Ah...Just one spell and my mana almost depleted...As expected, this world is the creators greatest creations after all..." After stretching his little body, he smiled, and continued, "Hehehe. Straightforward, I like this personality of yours, young man..."