
- (Contain Graphic Scene) -

Iron spears reflected the rays of the slowly setting sun. Aimed towards the two kneeling man. Their bodies were shaking, and their eyes trembled by the sight.

"How can we kill them slowly?"

"We can cut off their limbs one by one." One of the soldiers said while licking his lips.

"Good idea, let's do it. Hehehe." Another soldier smirked.

Cold sweat rolled on their backs, in their minds the fear slowly crawled through. It was fine when they were killed instantly. But, now, they were being tied to a tree behind them, and soon, they will be tortured beyond measure.

Yuri watched the whole process, he wanted to save them, but, he thinks that it was futile, because his minds were telling him that he was still a level six newbie, surrounded by ten, level seventy foot soldiers.

"Let's start with the small finger first, shall we. Kukuku." The man grabbed his dagger and pointed it to the man with the sword.

The man with the sword trembled, but, knowing its just a game he gritted his teeth and steeled his heart. He engraved this moment in his heart, he will have his revenge.


The pain kicked in. It wasn't the type of pain he always experienced while playing the game. It was unbearable! "ARGHHH!!" His screams reverberated throughout the forest, his eyes red with tears. His body was cold, and trembling non-stop.

Rommel, the man with the axe was tied just in front of him. The scream of his companion sends a shiver to his spine. His minds were in chaos and distress filled his heart. He also watched the soldiers laughed at his friend predicaments, he was furious, at the sight, and yelled, "BYRNE HOLD ON!!!" He glared toward the soldiers, "YOU SICK BASTARDS!!"

The soldiers took a glance at him. They smirked, and one of them said, "You're next! Fatty! HAHAHA!"

Yuri was stupefied by the sight, 'This...?' He was puzzled. His eyes were trembling, no, this game wasn't a game anymore, and it looks like the souls merging process already started, albeit slowly. He felt the despair in the man with the sword eyes, but, at the same time, he felt his minds were becoming calmer as the time goes.

He devised one plan after another. But, no matter what plan he devised, the success rate was no more than five percents, it was if he wanted to rescue the two. All of this was calculated inside his evolving brain, now, he was in the border of a savant human, not yet superhuman, however, it was already impressive enough if he was compared to the normal humans on earth.

Scents of blood lingered through the air, the pungent metallic scent. He saw Byrne pained expressions, while gritting his teeth with his eyes trembled with fear. His hands were painted red, covered with his own blood.

"Next. How about we plucked your nails." The soldiers that cut Byrne finger said with a grin in his face.

Byrne was squirming, he roared and cursed the soldier, while they were laughing at his reactions. Rommel did the same, he spat at one of them, only to be smacked in the back of his head. Yuri watched at the side, his neck was still surrounded by a sharp tip of iron spears. His minds were in chaos now, he can't just watch all of this happen, it was better if they were killed instead of being tortured.

By now, only a handful of soldiers were left in the dense forest, while the rest were continuing their journey towards the town of Lindow. They were left alone in there, no matter how much they screamed, nobody would care or even hear them.

Yuri gritted his teeth, he grabbed the spears that were in front of him and yanked it towards his body. The soldiers that surrounded him were startled, but they recovered quite fast and lunged their weapons towards his head.

He was in the middle of his motion, the soldiers that had his spears yanked stumbled forward, replacing Yuri as the target of the soldiers weapon. His neck was torn and pierced by the spears, and his body was gushing out blood by the slash of the soldiers swords.

The first part of his plan worked perfectly, however, now, he was facing with the problematic parts of his plan. The soldiers were surrounding him, even the one that tortured the duo. Their eyes turned vicious, one of his comrades died, they feared that the leader would torture them instead if he knew that they got casualties dealing with weaklings.

Yuri wanted to run, but it's already too late, he already steeled his convictions to help the duo. No turning back now. His body was ready and assumed his combat stance. One of the soldiers grew restless and lunged towards him.

Cold iron spear thrust through the air, aimed toward his head. He focused all of his senses towards this strike. To his surprise, the spear moved slowly, unbearably slow, it was like the slow motion shown in action movies. He reacted by dodging to the left with his eyes still locked in the spear tip that passed by his body.

'W-what is happening?' He was puzzled in his minds, but knowing the dire situation, he threw away his questions and concentrate towards his opponents. He gathered all of his strength towards his right fist, he draws it just enough to get momentum, and slammed it towards the soldier iron armored chest.


The cold iron spear dropped into the dirt grounds. Red fluid splattered all over, the soldier that took the brunt force of Yuri punch was trembling, his mouth is colored crimson by the blood he vomited. His body turned cold, he turned his gaze towards his chest, his visions were blurry, but, his eyes were widened by the sight.


The rest of the soldiers were stunned, Yuri actions were swift, the whole process was happening in just a couple of seconds. Some of them who blinked missed it completely, and once they opened their eyes, they were greeted with the gory scene in front of them. Some of them shivered, while some of them were gulping out their fears. Gone the arrogance they had before, replaced by dread, and now, all they felt were panic and terror.

Yuri was drenched in crimson, his eyes were trembling, his right hand were penetrating the soldier body, he can feel the innards of that man in his skin. He shivered, while his stomach churned and stirred by the sight. He had the urge to vomit, which in turn came out true, the unprocessed nutrients that he ate in this avatar rushed back towards his mouth, but, instead of throwing it out he swallowed it back. He gritted his teeth and pull back his arm, resulting in the soldier's body gushing out blood nonstop, and his innards spilled through the grounds.

His eyes were trembling, now, he was a murderer. Before, it was just a game, but now, he knew the truth, that this world was a real world, just like Earth. Not just him, the rest of the soldiers that surrounded him before also trembled at the sight. Although they tortured people for fun, the scene in front of them made them realize, if they didn't kill this man in front of them, they will meet the same fate. Mangled, and the rest of their bodies will be nutrients to the monsters inside the forest.

"KILL!!" One of the soldiers shouted, he plucked his courage knowing the fact that its survival for the fittest. He led the charge by lunging his spear towards Yuri, while the rest followed after.

Yuri didn't have the leisure of being occupied with his guilt. He saw a spear was lunged towards him, while also scanning the rest of the soldiers that were charging him. He took a deep breath, realizing that his avatar was different from the last time. His minds were calmed, his eyes turned serious, and he readies up his stance once more. He looked menacing with crimson color splattered all over his body.


"Sir. There is no sign of Lindow army in the perimeter. I assume they didn't know that we will invade them at this hour."

"Good." The leader nodded, his eyes turned vicious, "Prepare the men! We're advancing at the first sight of Selene!"

"Yes, sir!"

The hundred person army assumed their positions, they checked their equipments, while their boar-faced banner hung high, waved by the cold winds. The soldiers stretched from left to right just about the exit of the forest. They were intending to rush towards Lindow through the green plains, hoping that they were fast enough to invade its wall before the gate was closed.

The sun slowly fades away, the hours of twilight, one more hour before their brave advance. The soldiers were nervous, but knowing their leaders bravely stood in front of them with his black horse they felt courage were building inside their hearts. We can do it, they said inside their head. But, sadly, the leader of their army was not that kind of man.

'Hehe. I'm going to be promoted if to be a battalion commander if this plan succeed. By the time I'll be a battalion commander, I can do anything I want. I'm sick playing with those filthy slaves girl, now, its time for me to taste the high-class noble flesh!' The leader licked his lips, his eyes turned savage, he was happy just by the thought of his bright but disgusting future.

He was a soldier with the ranks of captain within the army of Xeipes. Xeipes were a neighboring land, just west of Stonehelm and north-west of Lindow. Xeipes was led by a power-hungry viscount by the name of Kamron Xeipes. He was bestowed the title by serving the king of Iliron empire, he racked his achievements by doing shady business and dealing with slaves.

Iliron was an empire which holds Xeipes, Lindow and now, the ruined Stonehelm as its territory. But, the king was old, he was surrounded by leeches and corrupt nobles, blinded by his own pride which in turn resulting in his territories being ravaged by his own people instead of his enemies.


The soldiers were startled by the sound, it was coming from the forest behind them. They were distracted, curious, they looked towards it. They were stunned, they saw a man, wearing the same armor as they did, crawling in the dirt, his face was covered with mud and blood, while his right leg was cut off from his body, leaving a trail of blood that leads towards the forest.

They were shocked, one of them rushed towards the crawling soldiers, but, it was too late, the man already turned cold, with his eyes wide opened. The leader also saw that soldiers, he frowned at the sight.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Sounds of footsteps reverberated through their ears. It was not loud, but somehow they can hear it clearly. Cold sensations lingered through the air, it was like a beast was looking straight at them. Slowly, from the dark forest, a figure can be seen. The soldiers focused their eyes on the figure, trying to catch a clear image of it.

The last rays of the sun shined toward the figure. It was Yuri, his eyes turned red, no longer the beautiful jade color, instead, it was like the eyes of a beast. His body was washed with the colors of blood. He walked slowly while dragging the mangled body of a soldier.

The soldiers that saw their comrades dragged like an animal throughout the forest shivered. Cold sweat rolled down through their backs. Their leader was no exceptions. Inside his iron helmet, his eyes were trembling looking at the sight.

The leader grew restless, he felt the terror slowly gripping his hearts, and invading his minds.

"W-W-What...A-Are...You...!" The leader spoke unconsciously.

Yuri heard the sound and threw the soldier body in his hand towards the army leader. As the body flew in the air, blood splattered all over them, bits and pieces of the soldier body also flew all over directions while the majority of it flown towards the leader.

"HEEEK!!" The leader squealed, his cowardly side shown its face.

He was thrown off from his horse, no longer the mighty and vicious leader, leaving only a coward.

Panic and distress filled his mind, he squirmed in the ground and shrieked, "K-KILL!! KILL HIM!!"

Terror, they felt the aura of death spread all over Yuri body, they were sweating non-stop with their weapons in their hands. Slowly Yuri walked closer to them. They grew restless, and some of the gulped their guts. The aura was suffocating their minds. Some of them fainted, while some of them pissed their pants.

Yuri walked and arrived in front of them, just one step away before their cold weapons sharp tip. The soldiers grew restless, they swallowed their fear, and lunged towards him.


Yuri grabbed the head of the soldiers that lunged towards him. He turned his gazes towards the man, and smirked.


Blood splattered all over the place, eyes, brains, and cracked skulls. The soldiers that watched up close trembled and shivered. The leader watched the whole thing happened with his trembling eyes. His stomach churned, and all of the things he ate today rushed towards his mouth, he vomited inside his helmet, the pungent smell covered the inside his helmets, but, he didn't have the luxury to think about it. All he had in his thought were fear and terror.

Yuri smiled at the outcome, his smile was callous, he was more like a fiend than a human.

"Void...Axis..." He mumbled with his vicious smile, while moving his hand horizontally across the air, slow enough for the soldiers to see.

The soldiers were puzzled, but, then the next second, the space in front of them trembled for a second. Nothing happened, however, they felt that there was something were missing. The sun was set, replaced by the night, but, that night, a red flower bloomed from their bodies. Blood gushed out from their mangled bodies, cut by the trembling space that surrounded them before.

Fortunately, the leader survived from the effect. He was shivering, at any second he can lose his sanity. He was pissing in his pants.

"P-Please! I-I-I c-c-an give you anything!! Please! Spare me!! I-I-I can give you my wealth!! Women!! I-I can give you woman!! Or-or I-I can be your servant!! Please!! I-I don't want to die!!" The leader begged on his knees, his arrogance backfired, and now, he watched his men killed in just a matter of seconds, in front of his eyes.

Yuri perk his ears and heard the leader voice. His eyes were scrutinizing the leader kneeling body. His smile grew wider, he took a step, and arrived in front of him in a blink. The leader was shocked, he looked toward Yuri, but all he saw was a demon.

Yuri lifted his right feet, with his callous smile. His feet were pushed the leader head towards the ground.

"A-ARGH!! ARGH!!!!"

That night. It was a feast. A feast for the dead.