Path of The Supreme

Emperor's wars or the battle of supremacy were a rumour that had been circulated inside Emperor's Destiny. Nobody knew who started it first, because the first post was either deleted or buried inside the pile of copypasted articles, however, the only thing they did know was that, the rumour started in Earth. The denizens of Fantasia were clueless about this rumour, even the adventurer's guild didn't know about this piece of information despite their vast intelligence network.

They only knew it after conversing or hearing it from the players, although the players knew that they were only an NPC, they still talked with them normally because they thought that the AI in this game was revolutionary, while the truth was they were a real living breathing creatures like themselves.

The rumour spread like a wildfire after just a couple of days from being in circulations. At first, they treated it like some other baseless rumour and dismissed it. However, not long after, the first war was initiated, not by the players, but from a dukedom in the first layer. The dukedom invaded its neighboring territories, on the third day after the rumour spreads out.

This information was issued by the adventurer's guild. The players and even the denizens were shocked by the revelations, however, they've dismissed it too, because they think that it was just an excuse for the duke to expand its territories. But, not long after that, just a day after the strike of the dukedom, another kingdom started its move, followed by another, and another. The players and guilds that owned territories grew restless.

Even if they didn't participate in the madness, sooner or later, their territories would be attacked, whether they liked it or not. And so, they didn't have a choice to participate in the madness and carnage that will burn the entire world. The players that didn't own a territory were nonchalant about all that was happening, until, they were caught by the crossfire, and with that, they were forced to take their side, not only for themselves but for their own avatar progressions.

All of this madness, that engulfed the whole world into fires of war, started just because of the elusive throne's of the emperor, that could either lead them to glory, or destructions.


Yuri walked out from the adventurer's guild. His objective was all completed, he upgraded his inventory size to the uncommon ranks that could hold thirty items at the same time. He was baffled at this, if he knew it sooner, he would come to the mages associations as fast as he could. He also gathered the information he needed, it wasn't that useful, because it was just an outline of the situation, nevertheless, he felt satisfied with it.

He speculated that the gods were behind of this whole farce, but, for what reason. He also had the thought that it was from other unknown sources, like the enigmatic old man, however, he soon dismissed it, because, from his interactions with the old man, he deduced that the old man liked to keep himself a mystery, and it looks like the old man didn't like dealing with strangers, except for himself, that has piqued his interest. This was stated by the fact, that he made their conversations a secret in the hospital, even though it was only one more person in there, which is Lillie.

He walked the streets of Lindow. The town was built in the center of a vast plain. Surrounded by a thick forest. The main specialties of the town were its agricultural fields, it can be seen clearly because surrounding its walls was a field filled with varieties of crops. It was the haven for players that wanted to start their own farm, progressing further into mastering the art of agriculture. Aside from its fertile lands, they also specialized in raising livestock, either it was cows, sheep, or even horses. Basically, this town was a massive food treasury that could feed millions of people.

The atmosphere was different from Stonehelm, the people were hardworking and grateful for their life, even the nobles were humble, because of their backgrounds being a lifelong farmer. The town was led by a second-generation baron by the name of Nifkas Lindow. He was deemed a loving ruler, and a kindhearted noble. The citizens loved him as much as he loved them, but, his only weakness is he was too weak and indecisive, even after knowing that his lands were coveted by Viscount Xeipes, he still didn't plan a countermeasure if another invasion would happen. This fatal flaw could lead to his fall, and also the destruction of his beloved lands.

Yuri was smiling all the way, he liked this kind of vibe. The peaceful and dreamy atmosphere. He walked slowly, sightseeing the clean streets and the friendly citizens. Not just him, even the players enjoyed their stay in this town. He also noticed that the commotions about the disappearance of the pain receptors were subdued. He also speculated that this situation too, was the work of gods, he always tied his reason to the gods, because of his knowledge of the gods plan.

Finally arrived at his destination, which is the inn that he woked up earlier. He already asked the inn owners about the room where he stayed, and the answer he got that it was already paid and it can be used for three days. He thanked Rommel and Byrne once more for this. He didn't have anywhere to go anyway, might as well come back to his room and use the [Heaven's Will] there.

He opened the wooden door that leads to his previous room. The room was as simple as it can get, a wooden round table with four chairs, and a single bed on the corner, with one window that views the beautiful garden on the back of the inn. He sat on one of the chairs and fiddled up with his inventory. In there he saw [Path of The Supreme], 13x [Rotten Bone], 5x [Raw Wolf Meat], 8x [Bone Dust], 3x [Worthless Wolf Fur], 2x [Worthless Fox Fur], and 4x [Burnt Ash].

However, he didn't see [Heaven's Will] in there. He scrolled up and down and didn't see it either until he scrolled to the left, it was deemed as a key item sorted with quest items and the sort. He also saw the [Path of The Supreme], he took it out as well as the [Heaven's Will]. In both of his hands were each item respectively. He thought might as well took the quest before he forgot about it, also, his level was more than qualified for it.

He placed [Heaven's Will] on the table first and read the [Path of The Supreme] first.


Greetings to whoever read this journals of mine, let me introduce myself, my name is Xanadu Silvarion. The first king of Alvarion Empire, and the first emperor that united the whole Fantasia. This journal was the accumulations of my own knowledge about the world, the secrets behind it, and also the tragedies that followed after. The wars that split the heavens and earth, dividing the continents into a prison known as dimensions and the massacre that leads towards the confiscations of the wheel of fate.

The world was whole at first, and primordial beings inhibited most of its lands. Mythical beasts and magical beings roamed free without conflict. Living together in harmony with each other. Millions after millions of years passed, and the worlds filled with their descendants, the world is vast and the resources were plentiful. Bringing a peaceful era of beasts, monsters, and also primordial beings...


'...So much text...' Yuri was flipping pages one after another, he skimmed the book as if reading a magazine. He didn't interested in the history of the world and skipped it altogether, he jumped to page fifty out of three hundred or so more pages.


Selene, the moon goddess, one of the primordial beings and one of the few that led the rebellions against the newfound gods domain. She was one of the proud daughters of Argus, a great primordial beings warrior, and one of the few that repelled the invasions of aliens beings from the vast multiverses from ravaging their world. He was also the first primordial beings that had contacts with the Great Universe Will.

He was gifted with a great power along with a great mission to protect the balance, and thus, he became the first protector of the wheel of fate and the book of destiny. He was worshipped as a king of gods, in Fantasia, and his descendants were praised and honored as deities. They prospered under the great king, and led to their advancements either in strength or technologies, bringing them to their golden age.

However, dark undercurrents were stirring inside the minds of several gods and deities. They were jealous of the throne and the power it holds. They schemed their ways towards the throne, even resorting to collude with the aliens invaders from another multiverse, knowing the fact that they can't win just by themselves against the mighty Argus.

And thus. The first calamity descended upon Fantasia. The primordial wars that split the whole worlds into dimensions...


'It's still going...' Yuri wasn't fond of this lore heavy type of quest item. In his days of playing MMORPG from the past especially WoW, he always skipped this type of storytelling, unless it was a cinematics. He liked it simple, one click and the quest was accepted, he does the quest missions, and then he grinned looking at his ample rewards. That's it, and then, he can do the raid with his guild with almost brain dead state, after doing it for another thousand times. It was a beautiful memory he thought.

He skimmed the rest of the story and flipped it again, now he was at page one hundred and fifty-five.


The path was opened, a new domain, a new world, a whole new universe. The gods were a greedy being, not satisfied with their own world, they invade another world, just like the alien beings does with their world. However, not all of them were inclined with this idea. Rather, they stayed at Fantasia, aloof in their throne of gods within the gods domain, that the mortals called heaven.

Selene, the tragically fallen goddess were imprisoned within the moon. While Helios, his lover, and husband were separated from her, locked behind the burning sun. Fortuna, however, the vice-leader of the rebellions, and also the traitor that led to the rebellions downfall, were sitting in her throne, watching the mortals below suffer, because of her possessions of the wheel of fate.

However, the book of destiny was nowhere to be found, lost within the flow of time. Millions of years have passed after the gods wars. Now, the gods were few in between, with the oldest of them all were Fortuna. New portals were opened from the world gate. The one that leads to the Netherworld. Devils, ghosts, demons, and fiends flooded Fantasia.

They ravaged the lands until it was painted red, satisfying their urge to destroy and kill. The gods were nowhere to be found. They were scared, they tucked their tails and hide away in their so-called domain. The mortals prayed to the gods but it was a futile effort and they were slaughtered instead. The gods lost their power of faith, by the declining of mortals prayers, nevertheless, they still didn't do anything about it.

I was one among the mortals in that calamitous day. I was the son of a lumberjack in the kingdom of Novara, and was eighteen of age. I was a pious man, I prayed to the gods for my wellbeings and also for my parent's wellbeings, hoping that one day I can be a noble and own my own lands, the day was peaceful, and the harvest was bountiful, while the girl next door was beautiful.

However, on that calamitous day, I lost my faith towards the gods, my parents were killed in front of my eyes by the hands of that demons. I prayed and prayed but nothing came out, and so, I curse the heavens, I curse my own fate, and also I curse my own powerlessness. From that day onwards I was honing my skills, killing lesser monsters and growing my power, I only have one goal, to challenge the gods, and get my answers for why they were abandoning us...


Yuri sighed, no quest indications yet. He flipped the pages once more, until he got into page three hundred and five, just one pages away before the journal ends.


I was crowned as the emperor, the almighty savior of Fantasia against the invasions of Netherworld. With my world sundering arts, I have ascended, I have killed gods and demons alike to claim my rightful throne. I have broken my chains of fate and written a new page of my own destiny. However, albeit my great achievements, they denied my entry from the gods domain, because they were afraid of my power. No matter, they can have their filthy throne in there, for I, shall embark on a new journey, away from the eyes of those wretchful and jealous gods.

Hark my words whoever read my journals. Trust no one. Only trust yourself. Break away from your chains of fate, and slay those whoever stands in your way, write your own page in the book of destiny. Don't bow your heads towards anyone, be it the gods, the devils, the fiends, the deities, the immortals, or those who deemed themselves above the mortals. Know that all of you are mortals, a speck of dust in the vast multiverses, and a piece of records within the Universes Will.

Hark my words whoever read my journals, I left the clues for my great world sundering arts in the depth of mount Berserius, away from the eyes of the wrathful heavens and away from the hands of the devils...




The Path of The Supreme

Acquire the legacy of the first emperor of Fantasia, Xanadu Silvarion. Inside the vast mountains of Berserius, in the continents of Oratia, there lies a temple for the moon goddess Selene. Adventurer's beware, perilous journey ahead.

Quest Difficulty: A+

Quest Requirements: Owning the journal of Xanadu Silvarion.

Issued by: Xanadu Silvarion.
