A Weird Three-Person Blind Date

The melodious sound of the violin continued to play in the background inside Blues Coffee. Although he was slightly weirded out by her words, Chen Zhengchu continued to smile at the woman sitting opposite him.

Pei Ge, for her part, began to slightly regret making that suggestion when Chen Zhengchu remained very calm and unresponsive to it. Perhaps, he just did not like her enough.

He was very eligible, after all, so his expectations must also be high.

"Mr. Chen, please do not mind me; I just find you rather suitable, so I made the suggestion. I just don't want to go on blind dates anymore," she said, looking abashed.

"No worries. I actually feel the same—" Before he could finish his words, a cold male voice cut in.

"Pei Ge."

This cold and low voice immediately attracted Chen Zhengchu's attention. He lifted his head and saw a beautiful man in blue suit walking toward them.