The Man Who Makes Out in the Corridor

This late at night, the corridor's flickering sensor light suddenly went out.

This caused the already dim corridor to completely darken.

"Ah!" The sudden malfunctioning of the sensor light caused Pei Ge to miss her step and to momentarily lose her balance as she was going down the stairs.

Ah, ah, ah! I'm done for! I'm falling and I may cripple my legs as a result! It is mom's fault for making me send Ji Ziming off! No, it should be this annoying person's fault for coming over this late at night! If it weren't for that, this would not happen!

In these few seconds, countless thoughts flashed through Pei Ge's mind.

Just as Pei Ge was sure that she would tumble down the stairs, an arm suddenly shot out and stopped her fall.

The arm circled her waist, helped her regain her balance, and pulled her into a very strong chest.