Have a meal, drink some tea, and admire a pretty boy...

This was Pei Ge's first time accompanying Ji Ziming for a meal.

Those instances at the beef noodles eatery, the Japanese restaurant, and even at her house, she ate while he did not even touch his chopsticks.

She swallowed the food in her mouth and furtively glanced at him.

I must admit that his table manner is really pleasing to the eye.

He was already handsome, and with the addition of his elegant table manner, he looked even more dashing and noble.

He was truly a feast for the eyes.

This thought floated in her mind, and although the description did not seem apt for him, when she looked at how he ate, she could somehow associate it to him.


He was… really a feast for the eyes.

His mouth twitched when he noticed how she, who was sitting next to him, progressed from secretly looking at him to blatantly staring at him.