She is already his person; why does she still care for such minor things?

Pei Ge grumbled all the way to the study room as she looked at her phone with much grievances.

She read through the messages several times before she mustered up the courage to give Ji Ziming a reply about him docking her pay.

She had racked her brains for that 'emotional' excuse in hopes of the man retracting his earlier decision, but just like a thrown small rock not causing a ripple on the ocean's surface, the man did not even reply to her message.

"What exactly is that annoying person doing?" She wondered aloud when her phone did not buzz.

Seriously, what exactly is he doing now?

Her mood soured when he truly did not reply even after a long time passed of her staring at the phone screen.

Just as she was grumbling at her phone, there was a knock on the door, and then Sister Yun entered.

"Miss Pei, lunch is ready; you can go down now."

She lifted her head and asked, "Ji… Ziming is back?"