Let us cohabit starting next week!

"Also! Why did you tell auntie that we are going to live together?! There's clearly nothing about that in the contract!"

She poured all her grievances to the man who was staring at her wrist.

However, as if he did not hear her, the man just continued frowning at her wrist with the red imprint.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

She felt her rage boil when he just ignored her.

This annoying fellow is too hateful! Why is he always like this? He decides things on his own and doesn't listen to me!

"Ji Ziming!" She reached her hand out, wanting to tug him, but…

The hand she had extended was grabbed by him again.

"Is it painful?" With an emotionless face, he held her hand gently in his.

"Huh?" She was a little taken aback by his concerned voice. She lowered her head and finally realized that the hand she had used to tug at him was the one with the red imprint.