Date Venue Reserved by Mr. Local Tyrant

The car reached its destination amid this relaxed atmosphere.

After alighting from the car, Pei Ge looked up at the tall building in front of them and then turned her smiling eyes onto Ji Ziming.

"It really is the cinema."

She thought that there would be a surprise, but it really was just a normal movie date.

"Why not? Did you think that there's a surprise?" He snorted while peering at her.

"Pfft! Of course!" She quickly followed up. "This is your style, after all! You can't have surprises everywhere in a relationship!"

She took the initiative to hook her arm through his.

Tiptoeing, she softly whispered to his ears, "Also, to me, being with you is the most romantic thing."

In the first place, she deemed that this aloof CEO, who was practically an iceberg and was normally indifferent to mere earthlings like her, spending so much effort to confess to her was romantic enough.