She is my woman!

"Sir, sir, you can't enter! Sir, our boss isn't here! You can't enter…"

The moment Fu Mingxuan's assistant caught sight of the man's icy gaze, she choked on her words.

How could this assistant, who was intimated by Ji Ziming's aura, still remember the order her boss had given about never letting the man enter?

Hence, with this man's frightening aura, no one dared to stop him.

As though he had come from hell, the man headed straight to his childhood friend's office.

He did not even knock on the door but just opened it straight away.

"Fu Mingxuan."

He narrowed his eyes at the man seated inside, who seemed to be waiting for him, and his icy aura was even more apparent.

"Ziming, you're here…" Although the man still addressed him intimately, from his voice and gaze, one could tell that the seated man no longer felt the closeness they once shared.

He regarded his former friend coolly. "Where is Pei Ge?"