It has been a while.

The weather was good today.

Pei Ge's sight was greeted by the warm sunlight, which had seeped into her room, in the early morning.

Yawning, she went to the washroom. This was when she heard her phone ring.

When she picked it up, she saw that the caller was Mu Heng.


Immediately after answering the call, the man's excited voice drifted into her ears.

"I'm on the way to pick you up. Get ready! Oh, right. We'll be staying on a private island for a week, so remember to bring some change of clothes."

He then hung up before she could ask anything.

Du, du, du…

The phone's busy tone effectively destroyed all the good mood she had upon waking up.

She sucked in a deep breath to calm her emotions and bellowed inwardly, That *ssh*l*! How did he end up getting a hold of my weakness?!

Feeling suffocated, she cleaned herself up fast and started packing her luggage.