Do you want me to wear your clothes for you?

The Ji family's mansion had an uninvited guest early in the morning; a black Mercedes Benz was parked at the main entrance long ago. Old Lady Qu, who was in the car, was applying makeup on her face using Chanel foundation. Her crow's feet were concealed well, and she did not look like her age.

"Madam, shall I go press the bell?"


She outrightly rejected her driver's, Old Yang's, suggestion. Sitting at the back of the car, she looked at the mansion through the window. From the house's exterior appearance down to its flooring, all indicated the family's copious wealth.

The only mistress this house could have was her granddaughter.

She carefully considered what she should do when she met Ji Ziming's mother later. If she were to engage the latter in small talk, it would appear low-class, but if she were to talk about her granddaughter's marriage, she would appear too nosy.