I Don't care if You Wear It or Not

"Uncle, you're clearly concerned about me, yet you refuse to admit it."

Mao Nana secretly laughed in her heart. Seeing that Qu Xiujie was unwilling to admit his feelings, the corners of her lips curled up beautifully. She looked at him with her pretty almond-shaped eyes and continued, "Uncle, do you know that you're very cute when you're so proud?"

"How am I cute? You're the cuter one."

Qu Xiujie did not think much of it and looked at her coldly. He grabbed her collar and pulled her to the side. "You are the cutest. You are cute in every way."

"Of course, I'm cute. I'm sporting the cute style."

Mao Nana blinked and smiled at Qu Xiujie.


Qu Xiujie replied in a low voice and looked at Mao Nana's clothes. "Yes, you are cute. Your dressing is sexy so how can I keep up?"

"Uncle, you're just jealous."