I Won't because I Understand You

After Qu Xiujie left, Pei Ge quickly walked to Mao Nana's side and consoled her softly, "Nana, my uncle has this kind of temper. He is very strange. If he wants to treat someone well, he must let that person suffer a little first. In my uncle's heart, you are the most important. You must believe in your own weight. As someone who stands at the side, I can see that you are the only one in my uncle's eyes."

Pei Ge blinked her beautiful eyes and her heart ached at the sight of Mao Nana crying.

"But… but he just scolded me for a long time…"

Mao Nana felt wronged. Was it not right for her to be happy and treat someone well? Was it not enough for her to tell him that she was really willing to go with him?

"Nana, are you willing to believe me again?"

Pei Ge's voice was hoarse as she looked at Mao Nana. She suddenly recalled the time when she first arrived in America. If not for Mao Nana's constant company, she might not have reunited with Ji Ziming today.