Put That Thing Down For Me

Qu Xiujie thought that he had already mustered up a lot of courage but when he stepped into the Qu family's house again, the nanny was still very surprised. "Young master, why are you back?"

Qu Xiujie knew that the difference between 'why are you back' and 'you are finally back' was like night and day. It was precisely because of this that the coldness on Qu Xiujie's face increased. "Where is that person? Where is he now?"

"Old master is in the study."

The nanny stuttered and opened the door for Qu Xiujie to enter.

"Alright, got it."

Qu Xiujie walked straight to the study room. Just as he was about to press the door handle and enter, he was stopped by the nanny. "Young master, old master's health is not good recently and his cough is getting worse. You… you shouldn't make him angry anymore."

"Alright, I understand."

Qu Xiujie nodded and entered.