I Want To Give Duo Duo A Beautiful Future

"But if Duo Duo finds out about her identity in the future, what do you think Gu Zhengrong will do? Will he forgive you for using another man to agitate him?"

Mr Li sank into sorrow. He did not know who was more important in Tang Xiaoyu's heart, Gu Zhengrong or Duo Duo, but reality gave him an answer that made his heart ache.

"Mr Li, don't worry. I'll take good care of Duo Duo. She's my only child. Gu Zhengrong merely put in some effort and provided her with something that any man can provide."

"Do you really think that he's just putting in a lot of effort? In your heart, he's not as simple as he looks. Xiaoyu, don't lie to yourself. In your heart, his position is much more important than you think."