Why Wear Clothes? You Look The Best Like This

"Looks like those women won."

Murong Cheng felt that it was a pity. Actually, he was more inclined to believe that Ji Ziming was a wife abuser. After all, he had seen the bruises on Pei Ge's body with his own eyes. If he said that it was not real, he would be even more unwilling to believe it.

Qu Xiujie smiled and ignored Murong Cheng.

At this time in the Ji family, Pei Ge and Ji Ziming had just finished their exercise and were hugging each other to sleep when Pei Ge's phone rang. It was a text message.

"Ge Ge, have you found Xiaoyu's clue?"

Pei Ge picked it up and saw that it was Qin Qitong's message. It seemed like everyone was asking her for clues about Tang Xiaoyu but she could not tell them anything because she herself did not know where Tang Xiaoyu would be or how was she living.

"Whose message?"