I Have Once Confined Myself For You Too

Gu Zhengrong looked aggrieved as tears welled up in Tang Xiaoyu's eyes. His voice became gentle as he said, "Xiaoyu, I'm just here to pick you up for work."

"There's no need for that, Mr Gu. I think your morning time is also very precious, so don't waste your time here. What do you think you're doing? Let me tell you, it's useless."

Tang Xiaoyu coldly snorted at him.

"I understand."

Gu Zhengrong watched Tang Xiaoyu get into the Porsche that belonged to her. His car seemed to have lost its luster. However, as compared to the memories of the past, it seemed to have become redundant and dull.

Tang Xiaoyu drove in front of Gu Zhengrong. As their destination was the same, Gu Zhengrong slowly followed behind her. He could feel his heart thumping just by looking at the white Porsche.

It was all for Tang Xiaoyu, but now, she had no intention of forgiving him.