
Seeing Michelle's uneasiness, Ji Ziming said to ye Changqing,""You were drunk last night and was sent back by this beauty. She served you the whole night, and you're so comfortable with it?"

He did not mention mi Xue 'er when he said' this beauty '. PEI GE was taken aback and realized that he was not familiar with mi Xue' er.

Michelle blushed and lowered her head to eat a mouthful of rice.

It was only then that ye Changqing came to his senses. He dared to say to Michelle,'thank you. I really lost my composure yesterday. "

"It's okay. It's me." Mi Xue 'er's face turned even redder. Yesterday, she had said that she was ye Changqing's girlfriend and wanted to sneak away in the morning, but she was stopped by PEI GE to have breakfast with her. Now that she was exposed, how embarrassing would that be?