I still care about you as usual.

He stood up, walked to the side, and pressed the answer button.

Luo Yi could only give up and wait for her to finish the call before asking.

She calmly said to the person on the other end,""Oh, didn't I send you a message? I'll be back soon, you don't have to be so worried. "

However, the person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to let it go.

Seeing her impatient expression, Luo Yi guessed that she was not alone. Could it be that Shen Feng or Liu Lina were with her?

Still, why were they so at ease letting her go out alone? this was a foreign country, after all. Even if it was safe and Ji Ziming's men would not find any traces of her, they would at least send someone to follow her.

Also, why did PEI GE refuse to acknowledge her even when she was alone? did she really not remember her? Or was there something that he couldn't say? However, why did she not seem to be crying for help?