Why did I lose my memory?

Ji Ziming looked at the road and raised an eyebrow. "I've always had this kind of unruly personality. In your eyes, I'm not serious anyway, am I? Even if I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me. It's better to let you know when it's time for real business. "

She was surprised and did not say anything else. Seeing that she did not reply, he peeked at her from the corner of his eyes and continued,""Do you see that lush tropical forest in front? There's a small private villa inside, and the person we're looking for is there. "

He lifted his chin slightly, indicating for her to follow his gaze.

In front of her was a small villa with a retro style. Although it looked old, the dense forest around it and the unknown variety of flowers in full bloom gave her the illusion of being in a paradise.