Disappear from this world

"Water ... I'm so thirsty ..." In his daze, he seemed to hear her call out to him. This ethereal feeling reminded him of the time when he was searching for her alone in the small fishing village.

Recalling that he was not in the fishing village, he jolted awake and saw PEI GE looking at him with pale lips.

"Pei Pei! You're awake!" The man was ecstatic. His originally handsome face, which was now red-rimmed and unkempt from not sleeping the whole night, still had stars in his eyes when he saw her Haggard but still beautiful face.

'Ziming, why am I in the hospital again? I'm so thirsty, can you get me some water first?" Although she sounded weak, at least she was fully conscious.

Ji Ziming, who was initially overwhelmed by the joy and excitement of her waking up, turned around and picked up a cup from the bedside table, intending to pour her some water from the thermos flask.