How Does It Taste to Fail to Get What You Want

"Star of the Sea!" Ning Shuqian lost her cool and cried out. Although it was not that loud, her voice was rather sharp, especially in such a merry and joyous event.

Wen Xinya turned to where Ning Shuqian had her gaze fixated on. Indeed, sitting right in the middle of the exhibition area was the Star of the Sea donated under her mother's name. As one of the world's biggest diamonds, the Star of the Sea weighed 42.52 carats and was as beautiful as the deep ocean with a shade of dark blue that could be rarely seen. Her grin grew wider.

Wen Haowen looked towards it and his smile stiffened. "Father, we have so many things from the Wen Family to donate. Why did you have to take out the Star of the Sea?"

It was naturally difficult for him to bring up that he had already promised to give the Star of the Sea to Ning Shuqian.