Someone Reported Bird of Paradise

What Wen Xinya didn't know was that an Aston Martin had pulled over at the backdoor of the bar. Si Yiyan opened the door and stepped out.

He was in a white shirt and a pair of black pants.

White, clean, and refined. Its pureness made it elegant yet dull, plain yet cold.

Black, bright, and shiny. Its gracefulness made it luxurious yet simple, mysterious yet solemn.

Black and white, the two opposite colors had an ineffable common nature. Black symbolized dominance, power, and strength. White symbolized cold, death, and evil omen. On his body, black and white seemed to show their own strength by the presence of the other party.

Behind him was the superintendent of the south district police station.

The chubby superintendent trotted to catch up with Si Yiyan, wiping away the sweat on his forehead with his handkerchief from time to time. His fat face turned red and he breathed heavily using his mouth.

Si Yiyan kicked the door open.