Men Value Women's Satisfaction in Bed the Most

Although she had already taken a warm bath and drank the ginger soup that Si Yiyan had made for her, Wen Xinya still fell ill, nonetheless.

She began running a fever at three o'clock in the morning. Due to the fact that the two shared the same bed, he soon discovered that her temperature was unusually high. Hence, he hurriedly called for the doctor to come and treat her.

The doctor deduced that Wen Xinya had merely caught a cold and would be fine after being put on the drip for two days. However, Wen Xinya hated injections and continuously pleaded for him to let her escape the drip. Si Yiyan had no choice but to request for the doctor to prescribe her with some oral medication instead. He then sent the doctor away.

After feeding her the medicine, Si Yiyan wrung a warm towel dry and wiped her down to help her dissipate the heat in her body. She was in a daze and dozed off soon enough, feeling weak and feeble.