Remove My Clothes!

At around nine o'clock, Wen Xinya asked to leave earlier, using the excuse of having had a poor night's sleep the night before.

Xu Zhenyu offered to send Wen Xinya home. However, she turned him down. After all, it was rare for Xu Zhenyu to be back and he ought to catch up with Gu Junling and the rest.

After collecting her car, Wen Xinya drove to Lishan Mansion in a bid to give Si Yiyan a surprise.

Upon arriving at Lishan Mansion, Wen Xinya zoomed towards the spot outside Si Yiyan's study and picked up a pebble before throwing it against the window.

She felt that she had been acting too childishly, for throwing stones at one's window was something that she had done when she was a gangster. Although she had now become the heiress of the Wen Family, she was still a child at heart and could not get rid of the commoner within her. For example, she still enjoyed cheap beer and preferred it to expensive and high-class wine or champagne.