Extorting Money

Xia Ruya was brought to a room in an abandoned building, which was dark, cold and reeked of a damp odor. The pungent stench of mold made her barf.

Her limbs were tied together and there was no way for her to move at all. She had a smelly sock stuffed into her mouth which could not tolerate the stench at all. Yet, she was completely helpless.

She sat on the uneven cement surface with her back pressed tightly against the stained wall. The pain from the injuries in her back that she had sustained from being beaten up constantly reminded her that she had to escape… but there was no way for her to.

She had already been held hostage at that place for three days and her bags, heels and other belongings had also been taken away from her. Her clothes were also tattered and torn. Apart from feeding her, taking her to relieve nature's calls and occasionally venting their frustration on her, the bunch of men would leave her alone most of the time.