The Night Is Still Young

At this moment, Wen Xinya was deep in thought about that magazine.

Previously, Si Yiyan read a fashion magazine that featured a beautiful female model who had a killer figure. Actually… all female models were beautiful and slim. However… Wen Xinya somehow found that particular model to be rather different. Hence, when she noticed that Si Yiyan stared at the model for a few seconds, she rushed forward and covered his eyes to stop him from looking.

Actually… it was normal for most people to take a few more glances at female models. After all, it was just for the sake of visual appeal and most people wouldn't get the chance to touch or be with the models anyway.

However, things were different in the case of Si Yiyan who was an extraordinary man. He could easily get whatever he wanted. Hence, she felt uneasy when he kept staring at the female model.