The Authorities of Boya Pavilion Get to the Bottom of the Truth

It was already 5 PM, but none of the ladies mentioned their intentions to leave, partly because the host had yet to announce the end of the gala and they had yet to receive the gifts. Another reason was also that everyone was waiting for the host to get to the bottom of the truth. The waitresses also did their best to help by serving tea, snacks and dried fruit.

The incident may seem like a terrifying event that happened during the gala. Although it was daunting and unbelievable, everyone felt thankful that it did not happen to them.

However, things were different for the owner of the Boya Pavilion. Now that things had escalated to this point, they were completely implicated and the owner could not just use a quick method to resolve the matter and stay out of it. Once the gala ended and word about the incident spread to the public, Boya Pavilion would be at a huge disadvantage and the reputation of the Heiress' Gala would also be ruined completely.