What Color Is Your Underwear?

Downing three glasses of red wine in one go was an easy feat for Wen Xinya.

Si Yiyan had already had it all planned out for Wen Xinya. According to the rules, she and Si Yiyan would have to chug three glasses of wine each. Now that Si Yiyan had already downed nine glasses of wine, he had already drunk six extra glasses. If she were to drink the three remaining glasses, it would mean that she had accepted the punishment.

Si Yiyan had already finished more wine that he had to. Hence, she wouldn't be breaking the rules even if she were to finish the last three glasses of wine. No one would be able to hold it against her.

Three glasses of wine were a piece of cake for Wen Xinya who could hold her liquor well.

Hence, Wen Xinya maintained a good rhythm and downed the three remaining glasses. "We've finished more wine than we're supposed to. Are you guys happy now!?!"

She then glared at Xu Zhenyu in a bid to assert dominance.