Rules of the Jewelry Design Competition

The incense Si Yiyan had prepared for her was made personally by Wan Niang. Extremely effective, it was not only a balm to a tired mind and body, but it could also boost blood flow and was a complement to the calming herbal pills that Ruoruo had made for her. As a result, she quickly adapted to Italy's time zone and was full of energy every day.

The Milan World Expo International Jewelry Design Competition had always been one of the top competitions in this industry. Held once every three years, each event attracted worldwide attention.

As a result, the Milan World Expo Jewelry Association and all other sponsors held this competition in high regard.

The organizers allowed every competitor in the grand finals a period to relax and adjust to the place after their arrival in Milan. They gave everyone adequate time to calibrate their minds and bodies so that they could start the competition in peak condition.