The Two Sides Are Bound to Fight When They Meet on a Narrow Road

There was a saying that goes: there are nice routes, yet one chooses to take a hellish path.

Sun Yichen chose, on his own accord, to take such a path. Wen Xinya had no choice. Her warning was not a real warning, but a mere conversation starter. However, the smart ones would be able to think of that on their own, yet Sun Yichen chose to fulfill his own greed and ambition. He had only himself to blame.

"Niece, you sure are early!"

At this time, Qian Jianhui came over with a group of shareholders behind him. His smile was so wide on his chubby face that his eyes could not be seen. A black suit was wrapped around his round beer belly, and he looked especially round, like a Buddha. When he walked, he looked like a funny Donald Duck.

Wen Xinya had an elegant smile on her face, but her smile did not reach her eyes. "Chairman Qian did not arrive too late too!"

Wen Corporation's two sides were bound to fight when they meet on a narrow road.