There was no way Xingjuan could rest in such a room, just staying there for a mere second made her want to puke.

The walls and the floor were splattered with blood, even her sleeping wooden bed was no exception, also the room stinks of something rotten, fowl and fishy, Xingjuan guessed that the cause of such a smell was due to the little lumpy poops she saw on the floor and smeared onto the walls, there were also some food that she was damn sure had gotten spoilt and was put in the room on purpose.

Xingjuan began to wonder if she was really at the palace, or just dreaming she was actually there. How could the great Tang Qin Shang Dynasty imperial palace have such a room in it, even the court maids and eunuch should have been given a better place than the one she was given. Xingjuan was sure of this.

Xingjuan began to have some doubts in her mind about her position as the empress in waiting because there is no way that a person with such a prestigious title will be treated this way, even as a forest bumpkin Xingjuan could understand this much.

She might have grown up in the forest but Xingjuan doesn't think she is so dumb not to know when she is being messed with.

Xingjuan didn't understand why the emperor will make her sister who was suppose to be his empress in waiting stay in such a place as this, if he was just going to treat her this badly then why choose her, after thinking about this for a long time Xingjuan couldn't comprehend why this was happening however he was certain that the emperor must have been made aware of her arrival and probably gave the order for this room to be arranged so beautifully.

Xingjuan was glad for one thing though, she didn't need to work hard to be not favored by the Emperor, "it's obvious father knew this will happen to the eldest miss if she came here and that's why he wasn't angry that she eloped with her lover, instead he made me become the family's tool" she thought sadly.

Her father will rather have her sister, the real Mo Yue elope with a lover than come here, after all he had Xingjuan to use as his scapegoat to keep the family safe, Xingjuan's guessed that there is more to her elder sister, the legitimate daughter of General Mo becoming an empress in waiting, she believes that there is a lot that she doesn't know of.

She sighed as she thought of how her days in the palace wouldn't be such an easy one as she had hoped however when she also thought she could just hide herself most of the time, and use indoor training as an excuse, Xingjuan felt a bit of relieve after having such presumptuous thoughts.

She understood now why it took them so long to come and admit her into the palace when she arrived earlier, they were probably setting up this place for her as her special welcome gift also she might not be leaving this room so soon irrespective of what the guard who led her here said, the guard had said she will be staying here temporary but it wasn't for him to decide, after thinking this much Xingjuan decided to better get to work and clean up the room.

She got a wooden bowl she had seen outside the room and then went down to the beautiful lake she had passed by just moments ago when the guard was leading her to this room.

Xingjuan got some water and then went back unaware that she was been watched like a hawk watching its prey by a very cold and savage looking red fiery eyes, if a person were to look into those eyes they did see that the iris resembled the sun, sometimes the iris looked like a huge burning fire while other times it was like sparks of fire about to be ignited, such an eye was really unique and gave off the feeling of immerse danger.

If a person where to look too closely for just a fraction of time such a person's eyes will ultimately get burnt and if they dared to stare for longer than that, then they could only blame themselves for their imminent demise.

"What is she trying to do with that bowl of water" a sweet gentle voice uttered.

"How should I know?" A husky vibrant grumpy voice full with disdain and malice replied, in the split second that he let his power slip out the girl beside him was forced to her knees, she was strong and had outstanding talent, the only one he felt right now deserved to be by his side because she could level up fast yet now she still couldn't stand a bit of his power.

He couldn't help but feel angry a bit after all he had some affections for her, an affection he will eventually find out was misguided however now he couldn't help but wonder if she will really be the last one standing after this is all over, after all the position of the Empress wasn't something only he could decide, if he could he did choose her in a heartbeat. He wanted someone powerful and so far so good she met all his criteria.

He withdrew his powers that had slipped out earlier and she could finally stand up, if this had happens before the weak, he wondered what their fate will be.

"She is so weak your Majesty, I can't believe you made her your Empress elect" the sweet voice chuckled lightly while trying to hide her embarrassment from earlier.

"That General Mo shouldn't have gotten on your bad side Your Majesty, now his dear lovely precious weak daughter has to pay the price" she continued but the man with red fiery eyes had long disappeared, she had known him since they were little but she never could really understand him, sometimes he acted so cold to her to the point that she doubted if she really has a place in his heart while other time he was warm and loving to the point that she believed that the good karma she must have accumulated in her past life was the cause of it.

She didn't care how badly she was treated because she was the one he chose, the one he wanted, the one he trusted to get rid of the present empress elect and take her place, she will be the final victor, the only one that could stand by his side as his one true Empress.

"She actually had them introduce her as an Empress in waiting, is she that ignorant? Empress in waiting indeed, there is no such thing in Tang Qin Shang, only Empress Elect and even that position can only be held by me, Liang Na " she huffed and then stared at the direction Xingjuan took earlier with a vicious glimmer in her eyes before taking off in an opposite direction.

Xingjuan had been fighting with the blood stains on the wall and everywhere else for quiet sometime now, she had first swept the rotten food and poop before she began to scrub the room in other to remove the stain and filthy smell that was assaulting her nostrils, by the time she was done tidying the room it was already the wee hours in the morning, she was so exhausted that she immediately collapsed on the hard wooden bed like a dead horse, in the blink of an eye Xingjuan was out like a light.

As she slept peacefully he didn't know that a storm was brewing and come morning her peaceful days will be over, not that she had one to begin with anyway.