Inside the imperial study a boy with fiery red hair and eyes so sharp and intense was seated behind a table and on the table were a number of scrolls.

"Couldn't this all wait until morning court Fang mu" the Emperor said as he wryly took a look at all the scrolls before him "They will lead to my untimely end Fang Mu or is that what you wish for" He said seriously, a bit of laziness could be heard in his voice.

"Who will believe me, if I told them that their high and mighty emperor is someone who hates to do his duty" Fang Mu casually said those words like he was talking to anyone but the Emperor.

The emperor just rolled his eyes at Fang Mu and then continue to flip through scrolls while ignoring him completely, On seeing this kind of not so majestic attitude Fang Mu began laugh his head off, he even had to massaged his temples in other to ease the discomfort he felt there when he was finally done he looked at his friend and smiled.

"So Qin Jie Huang what do you think about your Empress Elect, Is she still unworthy of you?" Fang Mu teasingly said while calling the emperor by his name without fear that it will lead to the lost of his head.

Fang Mu didn't need to fear such things because when they were alone this was the norm, they have been child hood friends and considered each other brothers since they were little, only Fang Mu in the whole of Tang Qin Shang dynasty had this privilege.

Fang Mu was known in all of Tang Qin Shang dynasty as a true genius, a one of a kind Array elemental, his talent was considered only second to the emperor, He is the son of the left prime minister and is also now a Senior General, the best that have even existed in Tang Qin Shang.

"Shouldn't we be talking about more serious matters, like how did your mission go at the border city close to Tang Qin Shang?" He asked while still been engrossed in his scrolls.

"With me acting as reinforcement what do you expect?" Fang Mu said arrogantly stated.

"Yes, Yes, with Fang Mu the almighty Array elemental, my soldiers will forever win any battle and Tang Qin Shang dynasty will take over the world " Qin Jie Huang said mockingly but with a bit of praise.

"It's good that you know" Fang Mu said smugly but deep down he knew he could not hold a candle to this monster genius before him.

"So really what do you think about your Empress Elect?" he was back to asking that question again.

"I think she has got talent even better than Liang Na, after all Liang Na reached the magus realm at twenty six but still the cultivation years gap between them is like heaven and earth, Mo Yue doesn't stand a chance against any of her opponents, she haven't grown yet and her end is near".

"Must you get rid of her?, she is such a talent, the only one that I can see if properly nurtured might be able to stand with her head held high by your.... "He was caught short before he could finish by a loud bang on the table before the emperor, the innocent table had split in two, Fang Mu wasn't startled at all, and he saw this coming.

"Never say those words again Fang Mu, you should know better" the emperor said authoritatively and his overbearing aura, the kind that could only belong to royalty covered the whole study room.

"This servant deserves death for angering your majesty" Fang Mu said seriously and bowed deeply.

"Are you deliberately trying to anger me to death, why are you doing that?" he pointed at Fang Mu but Fang Mu head was still bowed.

"I am not trying to slight you your Majesty, it's just that your overbearing aura is just too much for this humble servant to handle" Fang deadpanned stated.

"Yo-you" Qin Jie Huang stammered due to angered and Fang Mu who have been holding back his laugh couldn't take it anymore and started laughing wildly, He always have a good time when he comes to the palace because he gets to tease his good friend the Emperor, he knows how much the emperor hates being called your majesty by him especially when they are alone but Fang Mu does it anyway just for the kick of it.

The Emperor is naive in some way or just chooses to accompany Fang Mu by pretending every time to fall for his schemes in provoking him.

Upon seeing his friend laughing at his expense the emperor's brows creased but soon he just smiled at his friend while shaking his head disapprovingly.


Xingjuan stood at the center of the grand hall for the time it takes three incest stick to burn before she absentmindedly walked towards her room while blocking everything out, she had a pressing matter at hand so she couldn't dilly dally.

She didn't realize that she had spent a lot of time thinking about her future while all those that had exited the grand hall had gone on with their lives just like the emperor and Fang Mu who had gone to his study to discuss.

On her way back Xingjuan kept thinking of how to increase her strength, it was an urgent need that had to be fulfilled promptly because she knew her opponents in the empress elect competition will be way stronger so she had to do any and everything to increase her strength.

Xingjuan wanted this second life to be lived to the fullest.

She eventually arrived at her living quarters and as she sat in a lotus position in the middle of her room, she tried to stabilize her current cultivation base because she increased levels so fast and didn't want any negative effects that might slow down her future cultivation growth therefore stabilizing her cultivation was very important.

After stabilizing her cultivation Xingjuan realized that her mana was at its purest with no impurities, her core was so strong that she began to have the feeling that no matter how fast her level of improvement was it will never affect her negativity, her body seemed to be able to push out all impurities in it, it was then Xingjuan remembered the space ring and how all this would definitely be related to it.

Xingjuan knew that this space ring could not have been made by man and if it can't be made by man then it could only be birthed by the world, she pats her forehead softly with her palm after an idea hit her but first she wanted to take a breather outside before she continues cultivating.

Just as Xingjuan entered the cherry blossom garden she once saw on her way to her room she bumped into someone and upon realizing who it was she bowed and apologized profusely " This servant have committed a grave offence, this servant deserves to be punished a thousand times" she said.

"For now you are the empress elect which means you shouldn't easily bow to anyone but the emperor" He said and bowed slightly before proceeding on his way,

Xingjuan normally won't have acted this way towards Fang Mu but she say him standing by the emperor's right side back at the grand hall which meant he was important and of high position so she acted with extreme caution after all right now she is a blank sheet as regards to knowing the rules of the Palace.

Xingjuan by instinct rushed to grab Fang Mu arms within her hands to prevent him from leaving and Fang Mu was surprised by this empress elect bold actions.

On seeing Fang Mu reaction Xingjuan quickly removed her hands, scratched at the back of her head and then unconsciously smiled, her smile which Fang Mu didn't see on her face but from her eyes, her very bright and beautiful phoenix eyes for a moment made Fang Mu think of how that smile even if not seen in its totality was beyond breathtaking.

Xingjuan didn't know where the boldness came from, maybe it was because Fang Mu strikes her as a good and kind person and also he had just shown her respect by bowing to her even if he really didn't' t have to, maybe it was all this that made Xingjuan proceed in this manner "Can you please give me pointers on how to increase my strength " she didn't realize how fast she threw her so called caution to the wind and started talking so casually with Fang Mu, she never was one to act cautiously except with her family, she grew up in the woods so she was somewhat uncultured, a true free spirited bumpkin.

Fang Mu didn't expect that question, he was beyond amused, Fang Mu felt something like this have happened before but couldn't place when and where it happened.

"And why should I help you? You seem like a smart person so you should be well aware of your situation" He wanted to know her response, he was testing her, and if she knew why she was here won't she have evil thoughts of assassination or escape and if that was so then....

"You mean the fact that the emperor doesn't like my family very much and me being an empress elect is just a way to get rid of me and throw it at my father's face" Xingjuan paused and stared straight at Fang Mu , "Yes I am well aware" she said and Fang Mu brows creased as he pulled out his sword and pointed it at her neck.