World Details

AUTHOR NOTE: New readers should not read these auxiliary chapters explaining the world/MC details as they have a lot of spoilers.

This is only meant to serve as a refresher for those getting back into the novel or anyone that forgot the details and wants to brush up on things.

**Only the details that have already been "unveiled" in the novel are mentioned, anything new will be a spoiler right now but I will update as it goes on. All hierarchies and grading systems will change as our MC gets stronger and learns more about the world.

Starting World: One of the 7 origin planets

Planet Name: Bestia Orbis Terrarum or "Beast world"

Continents: Six

Name of the current continent: Tertium

Continent Capital: Saint city

Hierarchy in the continent so far, starts from strongest powers and goes down the ladder:


-Grade 1 Kingdoms

-Grade 2 Kingdoms

-Grade 3 Kingdoms


Kingdom: Mei, Grade 2

Surrounding Areas: Azure ocean, Jia Kingdom

Current City of Interest: Fortuna

Places of Interest:-

1. Poison Quarry

2. Dark Forest

3. The Academy of Sollertia

4. Temple of Dius (Divine temple)

5. Hall of Bellator (Warriors hall)

6. Sanatio (Alchemist academy)