Jeepers! there’s a creeper

Dante awoke with a groan. His vision cleared gradually as he tried looking at his surroundings. In a dark bare room with nothing in it with a window to his left that barely let any light in. He tried moving but found that he was tied to a chair with thick coils of rope. "Fucking hell weird shit keeps happening so often I think I'm getting used to it" Dante thought with a chuckle as he tried to ease his anxiety. The grey walls didn't give any indication to where he was and the small window was too high to see out of at his position. Dante shivered he looked down to find that he was completely naked. "Wonder if their pedophiles" Dante mumbled realizing that he had tape over his mouth as well. His head cleared some more bit by bit he was able to think clearer. "Now Let's try to find a way out of this mess" he thought racking his brains for a plan.

Minutes ticked by as Dante tried to think of an escape plan. He looked around the room searching for something anything to aid him but all he found was a puddle of water. "Even the world has left its tears of condolences for me" He sighed as he wiggled around trying to loosen the ropes or free a limb after struggling for a couple minutes to no avail he just gave up. "Why can't this be like the movies? Where they leave an obvious or clever escape route. Why is reality a bitch?" Dante thought as he waited for something to happen.

"Hen ween ottles haming hon her all" Dante sang a muffled rendition of ten green bottles out of sheer boredom as he waited. After going through the song about five times the door in front of him opened.

A tall slender man walked in he was wearing a simple black suit his walk filled with confidence and glee as he beamed a smile. "Welcome esteemed guest to my humble abode" he said with extravagance as he bowed before Dante.

"Obviously he loves the dramatics and of course I get stuck with the crazy one." Dante grumbled in his head as he rolled his eyes at the first introduction.

"Not going to say anything?" The man asked as he gave a hurt expression as if Dante had just refused something of great significance to him. Dante gave an annoyed look as he gestured to the ropes and piece of duct tape. "Oh" the man said in understanding before stepping forwards and ripping the tape of Dante's mouth. "there" he said in a proud voice as he once again put on a bright smile.

Moving his lips to try and ease the pain Dante asked "have you ever done this before?"

"Nope this is my first time usually I just kill people" the man replied nonchalantly.

"Ok I have multiple questions" Dante said whilst studying the man in front of him. The man had an easy going attitude and a somewhat lazy appearance his almost shoulder length dark hair was in a state of neglect which didn't help in making him appear professional in the slightest. The only thing that Dante saw that made him suspect he wasn't as carefree and inattentive as he appeared was his eyes. Those cat like eyes full of alertness and suspicion his hazel eyes were similar to looking into a kaleidoscope a mix of colours all forming together in a beautiful pattern which Dante would take time to admire if he currently didn't have his hands tied.

"What are they?" The man said in amusement as he walked back to the door and grabbed a folding chair from outside.

Dante waited until the man was comfortable with his legs crossed and fingers interlocked the man looked like he was going to start a job interview. "First of all do you want to kill me?" Dante asked.

The man looked at Dante with a hint of surprise "no im not going to take your life or you would all ready be dead." He replied ominously.

Dante breathed out a sigh of relief "you do know there are worse things than death?" The man said confused at Dante's relieved expression.

"True but death is final. there is no hope and no peace in death and everything becomes obsolete." Dante answered with a trace of sadness. He knew the pain of death whilst to some it might be a piece of eternal respite from harsh reality to him one with a complete memory of his past self. It was a never ending hell of regrets and new found fears.

"Interesting" The man said as he saw Dante's desire to live.

"So here's my second question. Who are you?" Dante asked looking at those hazel eyes on the average forgettable face.

"Who am I?" The man slowly said whilst raising his hand under his chin into a thinking pose. Staying in that pose for a while before dramatically saying "They call me by many names-"

"I wanted an introduction not your fucking life story" Dante sharply cut in.

"Little boys shouldn't speak so rudely to their elders" The man said coldy.

"And old men shouldn't reminisce about better days in the middle of a conversation." Dante retorted as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You do know that both of us know you are just putting up a front?" The man said as he watched Dante.

"Yes this is just bravado to ease my anxiety." Dante confessed "but could you not take hours I just need a name."

"Fine the name is Reaper" Reaper sighed muttering that Dante had no flair.

Dante chuckled "What kind of lazy ass unoriginal name is that what terrible shut in and poor excuse for a human named you that."

Reaper shrugged "beats me but sadly the name stuck after it was used a couple times."

"Oh well I guess rumors or media tend to give names that stick" Dante said with a sigh

"Any way aren't you going to ask all the cliched questions?"

"Are you going to answer them?" Dante asked dubiously

"Of course ask away" Reaper said with a smile.

"Who hired you?" Dante asked.

"Classified." Reaper said with a straight face

Lost for words Dante decided to ignore it and carry on "Where am I?"

"I have no idea" Reaper said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Ok...what is going to happen to me?"

"Haven't decided."


"Any more questions?"

"Do you know who I am?" Dante asked in exasperation at the worthless answers he got.

Reaper seemed to brighten up as he actually had an answer. "Of course you are Dante Martello"

"So are you crazy or just been living under a rock?"

"Is this the part where you threaten me?" Reaper yawned.

"I'm not threatening you I'm explaining that it would be in your best interest to untie me and we both forget this ever happened." Dante said hopefully trying to get out of this situation.

"Sadly I can't do that" Reaper said crushing all of Dante's hopes.

Dante sighed "well then my last question why the hell am I naked!?"

"Umm So you won't have any hidden weapons lying around and so..." Reaper trailed off as if cued lecherouse laughter that made Dante's skin crawl echoed from the hallway.

"Well that's not good." Dante thought.