Following the leader

Dante rubbed his neck as he picked up the clothes that were thrown at him. "Um could you turn around please." He asked uncomfortably as he noticed Reaper staring at him.

"No" Reaper bluntly replied as he carry on staring.

"Guess it's not just your associates that like to ogle at little boys." Dante grumbled Reaper shrugged his shoulders and gave an expression of not giving two fucks about Dante's comments.

As Dante started to put on the clothes. The clothes in question were bland to say the least black socks and tighty whities. The grey jeans and white T-shirt both a bit baggy on Dante's stick thin figure. The clothes felt old they smelt of mothballs and abandonment."Fucking hell where did you find these?" Dante said in pure disgust at the stench as he put on his plain black trainers.

"The wardrobe down the hall" Reaper said blankly.

"Remind me never to look for clothes in an abandoned building again." Dante muttered as he walked towards the door.

"Hold it." Reaper called as he grabbed Dante's shoulder.

Dante abruptly stopped. "What is it?"

"Wear this so we don't immediately have people trying to kill us." Reaper said handing Dante his old mask back to him.

"Thanks thought I lost this for ever and never to be seen again" Dante said with gratitude as he took the mask in his hands putting back on his face tightening the strap at the back he felt the familiar pain of his nose being squashed behind the mask. "Let's hope I grow into this more" he thought as he adjusted it so he could see out of the sockets.

"Right let's go" Reaper said not removing his hand as he steered Dante out of the door walking down the street the cool wind cut through Dante like a blade making him shiver as he slowly walked forwards one step at a time until the odd pair reached what Dante thought a black car that looked like a 1930 Cadillac.

"Get in" Reaper ordered as he fished his keys out of his pocket and sat in the drivers seat whilst Dante rode shotgun the car started with a roar as it sped down the road.

The car finally slowed down as they reached the outskirts of the city to a blocks of run down flats. "Of course the one time I would want something to happen it doesn't" Dante mused as they pulled up on the pavement outside the most ramshackle block of flats out of all of the others. "Are we really staying here?" Dante asked.

"Yes yes we are. got a problem with that?"

"It just seems a little unsafe." Dante said as he looked at the broken windows, slanted railings and holes in the roof.

"Eh you'll get used to it." Reaper said with a shrug as he got out of the car. Walking to the scarred door unlocking and opening up to a dark hallway. Dante cautiously stepped on the cracked floorboards as Reaper strode into the kitchen lighting the gas powered stove putting a kettle on and sat down waiting for it to boil.

"So what do I do now?" Dante asked befuddled.

"Well first you can shut up then come over here and sit down" Reaper answered gesturing to the rickety wooden stool at the kitchen counter as he rummaged through the cupboards. Grabbing a tea bag and a mug he stood by the boiling kettle as he watched In amusement as Dante tried multiple times to get onto the stool before finally succeeding.

As Dante made himself comfortable on the stool he looked at Reaper in resentment and expectation of what he was going to say next. The kettle wailed as it came to the boil Reaper turned off the stove putting the tea bag into the mug and poured the boiled water into the mug. Dante patiently waited for the aggravating man in front of him to finish since he knew people like this couldn't be rushed as started tapping the counter in boredom.

Reaper put the milk back in the fridge and disposed the tea bag before finally addressing the bored Dante. "Right now we shall go into what's going to happen to you in particular." He said whilst holding his mug.

"Well what is going to happen?" Dante prompted getting sick of Reapers stalling.

"Well first you are going to kowtow then adress me as master." Reaper stared with a straight face.

"You fucking serious?" Dante asked as he pushed his mask up and rubbed his nose in disbelief.

"Of course not that would be fucking stupid." Reaper chuckled "I don't need your respect."

"I see mister big shot." Dante thought with annoyance at this mans arrogant attitude but sadly he knew if he wanted to survive he couldn't complain to much with his kidnappers attitude especially since he was being treated better than some victims.

"But in all seriousness you will obey my rules and anything I say is law." Reaper ordered.

"Sir yes sir." Dante grumbled as he did a mock salute.

"Right now time for training." Reaper said taking a sip of his tea with a smile.

"Well that smile says everything about this training regime." Dante thought with a sigh.