Misfortune a fools game

Dante slammed the bathroom door shut his hand still throbbing from punching the wall. Turning around he found himself looking at a pure white room with tiles. There was a mirror on the wall straight in front of Dante with a sink underneath that had cabinets attached to it. The toilet and bath were situated either side of the sink.

Dante walked over to the bath to find it filled with steamy hot water just as Martin said whilst at first wanting to pull the plug immediately and call it a day he then began thinking it may be a good idea to relax. Deciding on taking a bath Dante then proceeded to undress. First he took of his mask and placed it on the top of the cabinet nearest to the bath he then fished his switchblade out of his pocket and placed it next to the mask before taking of his clothes. After taking of all his clothes and putting them into a messy pile away from the bath. He stood and looked at the steam rising from the tub before sliding himself into the hot water.

Dante sighed in relief as the hot water seeped over his toned looking body, which made him seem as a coiled spring ready to be realeased at any moment, as he laid back his long locks making an excellent pillow. "It's been so long since I've been able to bathe in hot water." Dante muttered as he closed his eyes and tried to relax as much as possible. Staying like that for a couple of minutes Dante reopened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. As he lay there his mind relaxed as well as his body. Allowing him to calm down and start thinking more rationally. "Funny I can't remember the last time I got provoked like that." Dante sighed as he thought about his previous conversation with Martin. "Maybe I'm more emotional due to my young body?" Dante wondered as He raised his right hand staring at the palm of his hand he started to clench it into a fist then releasing it repeating the action a couple times.

There was a knock at the door that distracted Dante's thoughts as a female voice drifted into the room "there are new clothes by the door once you have finished."

Dante stayed silent ignoring the voice after a while footsteps could be heard leaving.

Dante didn't know how long he lay there after he washed himself just waiting thinking about himself and the events that had happen in his new eventful life. "Ha ironic isn't it before in my previous life I wanted adventure, a way up in the world or some sort of excitement but now it seems more like it really isn't all it's cracked up to be." Dante deprecatingly thought.

After the water turned cold Dante decided to get out of the bath grabbing a towel off the towel rack at the foot of the bath tub. Dante then proceeded to dry himself patting down his hair with the towel before tying the towel around his waist. He grabbed his mask donning it upon his face as he walked towards the door. Opening it he found a pile of clothes to his right thinking it rude to refuse a gift he brought the inside before closing the door again.

Dante walked out of the bathroom in his new clothes wearing simple black socks, faded grey jeans with a cotton white belt on his torso he wore a simple white T-shirt and a slightly too large plain black bomber jacket. "With the mask and these clothes it's like they want me to look like a hoodlum." Dante thought with a sigh as he ran a hand through his his recently dried hair. "Thank goodness there was a a hair dryer or I would have had to wait for ever to get this dry." Dante muttered as he allowed his hair to fall onto his back as he started walking to the stairs.

Dante made his way downstairs and then to the front door of the house where he took his shoes off. As Dante was tying the laces of his black trainers he heard a gruff elderly voice ask "where are you going?"

Feeling heat spread across his chest Dante replied curtly through gritted teeth "around places."

"I see well make sure you're back before dark." Martin said casually as he saw Dante quickly get up and practically bolt out of the door before it closed with a slam. Martin chuckled. "Ah youngsters always so hot blooded."

Dante quickly walked down the street the slight breeze refreshing him and helping forget his rising anger. Slowing down Dante started to take in the sight as he and weaves between other pedestrians. There wasn't much to see it was just a normal street with buildings crammed together with bland coloured walls.

Eventually Dante got bored of the same old scenes but fortunately he spotted an alley way thinking back to his time with Reaper. he remembered that Reaper once said that the alleyways of the northern district were and he quotes "a fucking labyrinth."

"Heh seems like something new." Dante thought as he slipped into the darkened alleyway looking around he found pieces of litter, cardboard boxes, discarded junk and graffiti decorating the walls. Walking through the twist and turns of the alleys Dante heard cries somewhere ahead inching forwards he eventually stumbled upon four children, three of them a little older than him where as the one on the ground surrounded and emitting the cries Dante heard earlier was around Dante's age as far as he could tell.

"Well This isn't my problem." Dante thought with a shrug as he turned his foot caught on a pile of rubbish knocking it over and making a clatter alerting the children right behind him. Turning around he found all four of them were staring whilst two of the older children were slowly walking towards him.

"Ah come on its like I'm the main character of a third rate novel" Dante cursed in his head as he prepared to receive the strangers in front of him.

*Thats first rate novel you prick.*