Light bringer

Dante opened his eyes to see the child that was being beaten up previously staring at him with large pale blue eyes fill with admiration and devotion which but Dante on edge. "What's your name?" The child asked again softly but listening closely Dante could hear the exhilarated tone of voice the question was asked in.

"D- ahem Lucifer, my name is Lucifer." Dante lied as he picked up a fat wallet that had fallen out of the dead boys pocket. "whew that was close I almost got me and this person killed." Dante thought. As he stood back up and looked at the child in front of him. The child had long bright red hair mattered from dirt but still unable to completely darken it. The child had a fair complexion. Snow White skin littered with bruises, scratches and dyed crimson with blood. The button nose gave the child a cute and innocent appearance and even the stained large white shirt, baggy brown shorts and the torn black knee high socks looked somehow cute.

"That's a cool name worthy of the guy who killed Andrew Furton." The child nodded with a smile that would melt some hearts.

"Who's Andrew Furton?" Dante asked.

"He's right by your feet." The child answered with a confused look on its face.

Dante sighed "you know what that's not important."

"What is your name?"

The child tilted his head downwards and started circling his weathered shoes in the pool of blood before saying quietly "I don't have a name."

"What do you mean you don't have a name?" Dante asked baffled.

"I was never given one." The child sobbed as tears welled up in its eyes.

"Ok ok well let's see." Dante said calming the child down as he began thinking of a name. "Red hair covered in blood and has a dainty figure hmmm." Then a light bulb went of in his mind. "How about Poppy?" Dante blurted out.

The child looked at Dante with a beaming smile. "Yes I'm Poppy!" The newly named Poppy giggled jumping forwards and hugging the surprised Dante. "How did you come up with such a pretty name?" Poppy asked.

"Uh poppies are red flowers which grow after being soaked in blood from a battlefield and they are very resilient." Dante swiftly explained trying to free himself from Poppy's surprisingly strong grip.

"What now?" Poppy asked releasing Dante.

"Well I need you to answer some questions to the best of your abilitiy." Dante replied subconsciously forming a smile underneath his mask.

"Okay." Poppy agreed with a glistening smile.

"Right my first question who are the silver lions?"

"They are one of the Main Street gangs in this area."

"Alright who's this guys brother?" Dante asked tapping the corpse with his foot.

"Christopher Furton an overprotective brother that lets his younger brother do what he wants with the support of him and his influence." Poppy replied.

"Wow Poppy's like an encyclopedia." Dante thought with a grin before it went sour "looks like the other two need to be silenced I originally thought they were kids messing around but it seems like I was wrong." Turning around he saw the two thug like children starting to get up they stared at the corpse and then back at the rapidly approaching figure of Dante.

The two boys scrambled up and started running for their lives as Dante chased them switchblade in hand. The duo raced around corners and scrambled over fences with Dante hot on their heels.

Dante started taking in deep breathes his legs burning as he sprinted towards his targets as he went around the corner he found himself facing a Main Street with giant crowds and he couldn't spot any signs of his missing quarry through the hustle and bustle. "Shit!" Dante thought biting his finger. "I lost them now I've got some problems." Muttering in annoyance Dante made his way back slower this time.

After a while Dante made his way back to the original alley where he left a confused Poppy and the corpse of his troubles. Walking over he kicked the corpse aggressively. "It's your fault I'm in this mess all because you went up and died on me." Dante cursed.

"Even in death he's still a pain in the neck." Poppy nodded solemnly in agreement.

Dante stopped what he was doing and looked at Poppy. "What did you just say?" He asked in a serious tone.

"He is a pain in the neck." Poppy repeated nervously.

Dante silently looked at Poppy then back at the corpse. He then started chuckling before it turned into full out laughter. "He's a pain in the neck why didn't I think of that!?" Dante roared as he clutched his sides.

After his laughter subsided Dante thought about what to do. "Reapers somewhere else so I can't count on him and I can't just kill everyone at random. Hmm I guess the best thing would be to find my own backing then sit and wait." With that conclusion in mind Dante asked Poppy. "Are there any other groups that don't get along with the silver lions?"

"If you want a group that oppose the silver lions the black rats are your best bet." Poppy replied after some serious thinking.

"I see uh do you know where I could meet them?" Dante said scratching his head.

"Certainly it's this way." Poppy said with a smile and started to walk with Dante following.

The duo walked through the alleyways and streets meeting drunks, pedestrians and other unsavory people as they made their way into the rougher neighborhoods. As they walked Dante caught sight of a large board hanging up on a wall with a bunch of posters nailed to it. He walked over.

In the middle of the board there was a certain poster that caught his eye.

"Well hello there handsome." Dante muttered as he ripped the poster of the board.