Let’s get down to business...

As Dante entered the door the young man behind the counter looked over in his direction. "Hi Barry." Corvo grumbled as he walked towards a door in the back of the cafe.

"Hey Corvo." The man named Barry replied in a chipper voice. His face seemed rather chiseled and handsome in a rugged sort of way with his broken nose and what looked like long scars on his right cheek. The only thing Dante found that stood out was the guys pompadour that should be on a man wearing leather rather than an apron. "New friend?" Barry asked.

"More aquaintances wanting to discuss some business." Corvo replied as he fished out a key from his pocket.

"There's more than one ?" Barry asked confused. Dante quickly stepped to the side looking behind him too see a blood covered child standing in the door way.

"Well good thing Poppy is still here almost had a heart attack that I wouldn't be able to get back." Dante thought with relief.

"Corvo that child is not allowed to walk through my building!" Barry raised his voice angrily.

Corvo stopped what he was doing and looked back "what's the problem?"

"Do you know how hard it is to clean up blood and make sure that there isn't a drop on the floor?" Barry snapped.

"Then what do you want me to do about it?" Corvo asked rolling his eyes.

"Make the walking blood stain wait outside." Barry replied crossing his arms with a frown.

Corvo looked at Dante with a gaze that was that of a Druid looking at a sacrifice. Dante sighed "Poppy could you wait outside please?"

"Uh sure." Poppy said looking confused but accepting reluctantly anyway.

"Thank you." Dante said gratefully that this wouldn't turn into Poppy wanting to do some target practice with the new tomahawks. Turning to Barry he asked "uh could you watch to make sure nothing uh happens..."

"Sure not that difficult to watch a little squirt." Barry grumbled

"I wonder what a difficulty is around here if two dead bodies, a broken nose and giving a boy the possibility of an erectile dysfunction isn't." Dante thought with a cold sweat forming on his back.

"With that out of the way Lucifer follow me." Corvo said in an authoritative tone as he vanished into a dark room.

"I'll be right back." Dante said reassuringly as he went to follow Corvo into the unknown.

Dante slowly walked into the room there was a layer of darkness making it hard to see he could just make out Corvo moving his hand on a desk and flicking a switch to make the lamp start to illuminate the room. Seeing Dante tensely look around Corvo asked jokingly, breaking the ice, "scared of the dark?" as he sat down on an old wooden chair majestically like a king in his throne room.

"I'm not afraid of the dark just the possible six people with baseball bats in the dark." Dante replied as he walked to the grey desk Corvo was sitting behind.

"And why would I have six people beat your brains out?" Corvo asked seemingly amused as he gestured for Dante to take a seat.

"You see I'm new here if you haven't guessed already Mister Scaletta-." Dante started as he sat down on another wooden chair in front of the desk

"Please call me Corvo." Corvo cut in with a friendly smile.

"Alright Corvo as I previously said I'm new and if I'm being completely honest I don't want to be here."

"Well at least you are being honest about it."

Dante nervously chuckled. "As you can probably tell this is all circumstantial but sadly the other side won't accept a simple apology."

"That's an understatement." Corvo laughed.

"So it would seem." Dante said smiling under his mask. "Thus I would like to seek your aid in this matter of mine without making me into a sacrifice."

Corvo let the smile fade from his face as he clasped his hands together and leaned back in his chair. "So you get my protection and reputation to shield you from the fire that's been lit under your ass what do I get out of this?"

"I'm guessing my eternal gratitude isn't the correct answer." Dante said dryly.

"That is true I do want something more than just your everlasting gratitude."

"Well from what I have seen you seem to be lacking muscle so how about me and Poppy if it's okay we uh we bolster the ranks so to speak."

Corvos eyes narrowed sending a chilling glare towards Dante in the dim light. "And whose fault is it that I'm short on muscle."

"Your getting two for the price of one." Dante said trying to ease the rising tension.

The atmosphere seemed to have calmed a little as Corvo said "So what I can pay other people to do that why should I bother with you?"

Dante licked his dry lips and cleared his throat before leaning in conspiringly "before I get into that is it true you have a grudge against the Rosetta family?"

"Maybe why?" Corvo asked intrigued.

"Can you keep a secret?" Dante said lowering his voice.

"I guess." Corvo replied dubiously.

Dante put a hand into his jacket pocket as he pulled it back out he place on the table a crumpled piece of parchment. "Do you know who this is?" Dante asked pushing the piece of paper to Corvo.

"Looking at the bounty a dead man." Corvo said.

"Thanks for the optimism." Dante thought before saying "I'm guessing by your answer you know?"

"Yeah Dante Martello what's this got to do with us?" Corvo asked impatiently as he lay the paper on his desk.

"What If say I knew him personally and could say ask him to speak to some one within the Martello family to say accept someone who wants revenge?"

"And your friend can do this?"

"Of course and all you need to do in return is to look out for me and Poppy for the next two years or so." Dante said before leaning back into his chair staring into Corvos eyes as he watched the cogs spin in the other boys mind.

Corvo slowly exhaled "you don't seem to be lying so just to get this straight I just need to give you and your companion outside the cafe a job for two years then I get to meet Dante about the other thing we spoke of."

"Exactly." Dante said squashing the urge to giggle.

"So I guess congratulations you got yourself a job as my new muscle, bruisers and block heads excetra excetra."

"Thanks I guess."

"Your gratitude is accepted." Corvo said swinging back into his casual easy going self.

"Now to discuss my pay." Dante said.

Corvo froze for a minute "what pay?"

"Well I need a cut about fifty percent on all my jobs I think." Dante said nonchalantly.

"Five percent." Corvo growled

"Forty percent."

"Ten percent."

"Thirty five percent."

"Eleven percent."

"Thirty percent."

"Fourteen percent."

"Twenty five percent."

"Fifteen percent."

"Twenty percent my final offer." Dante said folding his arms.

"Fifteen no higher." Corvo said his eyes glaring

"Well guess I will go to someone else then." Dante said getting up to leave.

Corvo laughed "who else are you going to go to?"

"I'm sure as man who is renowned for his ruthlessness hasn't got a small amount of enemy's who have a vendetta that they may want a friends helping hand." Dante said slyly.

Corvo hesitated before sighing. "Fine twenty." "I don't see why you need money anyway." He grumbled.

"As a wise man once said if your good at something never do it for free." Dante smiled as he turned back to face Corvo.

"I guess that makes sense." Corvo said as he extended his hand. After shaking to confirm the deal Dante was about to ask what's next when Corvo said "Now that we have closed this deal Lucifer let's talk about your tattoo."

"Wait What!?"