Knock knock You about to get shell shocked

Barry watched from behind the counter as two silhouettes disappeared from his view. "So full of youthful vigor reminds me of the old days." He said aloud with a sigh.

"You mean ancient days." A warm voice chuckled.

"Very funny I'm not even a day over thirty yet." Barry snorted before turning around to see Corvo closing his office door wearing a plum shirt with a black waist coat and black trousers. "I'm guessing by the fact that the other guy walked out it wasn't blood." Barry said his eyes narrowing.

"Your right it was ink." Corvo shrugged as he walked to a table nearby and sat down his head resting on one of his hands.

"How many times have I told you not to do your hobbies with white shirts it will never come out." Barry lectured as Corvo sat there with a smile on his face. Barry felt his veins bulge "do I look like one of the ladies who will swarm you later on."

"No you look like one of the elderly ladies who will stop by and say what a good boy helping out."

"I do not so wipe that damn smile off your face and help me set up and we will talk about the shirt later." Barry snapped as he went back to his work. Corvo chuckled as he got up to help.

Dante walked quickly with the help of Poppy's directions as he skimmed through the file that Corvo gave him. "Fuck, shit, fuck Corvo you bastard." Dante cursed as he reread a section of the file getting odd stares from passers by.

"What's the matter?" Poppy asked confused at Dante's outburst.

"We are going to have to make a detour do you know of any place that sells hot chili powder?" Dante asked ignoring the question.

"Yes but why?"

"I'll explain on the way."

Poppy showed Dante the route that they needed whilst Dante explained the problem. "Jacob Whiting is a blue collared upstanding citizen who works down at the docks. He has a wife and son."


"His wife is now sick the treatment expensive so he took out a loan from Mr Scaletta."

"How does that concern us?" Poppy asked still confused

Dante sighed "in this life Poppy there are two types of people to fear one more than the other but both should be handled with caution. The first is a man with nothing. nothing to lose and nothing to stop him but everything to gain this is the most dangerous type of man." Dante looked and Poppy who was nodding his head in understanding before continuing. "The second is a man that has something to protect out of love and is willing to go to any lengths for that goal whilst not as dangerous as the first man this will to protect should still be respected."

"So why do we need chili powder?"

"The only way to get him to tell us where the money is and give it to us if he hasn't got it is to incapacitate him."

"So what does that have to do with chili powder?"

Dante stopped walking and with Poppy in front he asked "can you take on a middle aged man who has been working and lifting things at the docks for the majority of his life?"

Poppy thought about it for ammoment before replying. "If I get the drop on him I might."

"Well we cant jump him outside the house because if things go south he will either be able to run or we get caught and bye bye goes our protection and we end up in the prison morgue." Dante explained slowly before asking "so if you don't have surprise on your side what do you do to tilt the odds in your favor?"

"I don't know." Poppy said with disappointment.

Dante started walking again before saying "you handy cap them. Take something away that will give you an advantage like say blinding some one with chili powder."

Poppy's eyes lit up. "Do you get it now?" Dante asked.

"Yes and there is the shop." Poppy said as he pointed in the direction of where they needed to go.

The shop that Poppy was pointing to was a little groceries shop with a green banner above it and a white door. "You wait outside and I'll go buy what we need." Dante stated as he walked through the white door. Dante quickly bought the hottest chili powder, which was in a small glass jar with a s he could find with his liberated gains before leaving just as swiftly meeting Poppy outside before carrying on to their original destination.

Jacob Whiting put a hand through his graying hair as he felt himself smile for the first time in a while as he watched his son playing with the tin soldiers that were scattered throughout the room. The clouds parted allowing the sun to shine through the window "it looks like it is going to be a good day today." He thought with a smile as he relaxed into his armchair. Jacob closed his eyes. For a few minutes before he heard the sound of an angelic voice calling out to him.


"Hmm" Jacob replied slightly opening his eyes to the face of his son. Those bright dimples, glistening golden hair, bright big emerald eyes and wide smile were what kept him through these turbulent times.

"When's mummy getting better?" His son asked with lips pursed together.

"James come here." Jacob beckoned. James stood up and took a few skittering steps before jumping into his fathers arms. "Oof getting heavier now aren't you." Jacob said chuckling.

"Am not daddy is just gettin old." James replied with a cheeky grin.

"Oi." Jacob said in mock anger as he started to tickle the child sitting on his knee.

"Stop, stop ok your not old your twenty one again so stop." James howled in laughter as he struggled in the tight embrace.

"I'm glad that you finally get it." Jacob said with a smug smile as he embraced his son again before continuing speaking. "Mummy is going to be just fine the doctor will fix her up tomorrow and then we can all play again ok."

James nodded his head "Good now you go play with your toys whilst I clean up around the house."

"Alright dad." James replied as he hopped of his fathers knee to continue playing.

Jacob pulled himself out of his chair before walking out of the room. He found himself wandering up the stairs and into the spare bedroom where a figure was laying on the bed. "Ah Caroline how am I managing." Jacob said softly with tears welling in his eyes he pressed his hand into hers that pale, elegant and frail hand as he brushed aside the caramel locks that curtained off her face.

Suddenly Jacob was stirred from his day dreaming state by furious banging on his front door.

Kissing her brow Jacob said sweetly. "Just hang in there until tomorrow then I'll fix everything." Giving her hand one last comforting squeeze he left to attend the front door.