Chapter Five: Anime Fantasy Adict

After several hours of waiting, finally the package was delivered.

When the delivery man was handling the papers that he was holding, Chloe immediately take it from the man's hands and sign it without even telling mom and dad.

Then Chloe hand it over (papers) to the delivery man, the delivery man left saying "thank you!."

After the delivery man left, Chloe immediately pick the box and then went straight to where mom and dad is. I don't know how did she do it, I mean the box is very big and heavy. I think there is something to do with her excitement enabling her to lift the box.

The packaging was impressive, the design of the box was totally cool. No wonder it is very popular, even the box is well built.

"Wow this box is so cool. Even for the box... They really do an amazing job...." Chloe complimented in excitement.

When we open the box, I mean when "Chloe" open the box. She really wanted to be the one to open it. No way in stopping her.

Inside, there were something like a device that is looked like a headgear and there is somesort of a power adapter attached to it but it doesn't have a wire. I think all we need to do is put the adapter to the power outlet and the device itself will connect to the game. It's suspiciously simple for an amazing technology that is popular right now.

And along with the device, there was a boring thick manual that is filled with information about the device and the game.

"BORING!" Chloe frowned when she was picking the manual and then hand it over to me at the same time commanded me "Read it." I just grab it and put it right beside me.

I'm just goin to read it later as I don't have any other choice because it's really usefull to us whose just goin to start playin this game.

"Let me see." Dad extended his hand over to Chloe.

"What? This device?" Chloe ask with confusion as she didn't know what father really want. She just hand over one of the device.

Dad just checked the device and nodded. "Okay.. Tonight we will dive into the game. Lets first prepare ourselves before playin." Dad finally confirmed on when we are goin to start playin.

After what Dad said. We now go to our designated area preparing ourselves. Mom was now taking a half bath. Dad preparing their bed. Chloe making a call to her friends. My little brother, well he's still a kid so he is not yet permitted to play the game.... He's up in his bedroom sleepin. And as for me, I am now in a peak in finishing this thick manual. I just learnd many things about this game.

According to this manual, the device has already had a game on it so there's no problem in finding and downloading the game.

(Note: It's very hard for me to explain this sruffs but okay I'll try :) .)

There's atleast a five (5) different types of game with different type of game style.

The first game is called "Lucid Adventure Online" it is also called as "LAO". The game style of LAO is that, your abilities is based on the attributes in your real body, if you have a good body (attributes) then you may be able to have a better ability and a character but it is also depends on your will (imagination). This game became popular because of the uniqueness of the game. Players here are some what unique that's why they are called "irregulars".

The second one is called "Tales of Elemental Dimensions" can be also called as "TED". TED is a bit cooler compared to the other games. You are free to choose what your element is and what your spirit animal. With your spirit animal you can fused it within you, simply means that you can transform into a human-animal. In this game players are called "spiritualist" because of such things.

The third one is called "Gun Gale Online" they also call this one as "GGO". This one is a bit different, it is all about guns and technologies. This game is very popular to those who are willing to hold guns and to those who are a gun maniac. Players here are called "gunners or gun holders".

The fourth on is my favorite. This game is called Arts of Fantasy Online can also be called as "AFO". The game style here are just like in TED, you are free to choose what your element is, what you race and many more. Players here are called "fantasians".

And lasty, the fifth one is called "Perilous Nightmare Online" also called as "PNO". As for this game, it is the only game that can enable player to cross other game. The objective of the players here are, they pk (player killing) other players in another game in order to gain more experience that is why there are many high level players in this game. Players in this game have many names, some call them "nightmares" some other players call this players as " dark guilds" and many other names that they think that is suited to them.

Additional, every person can only have for atleast three acoounts, no mere no less. Your account is implied to your self via brainsystem. So it means that you have to choose what game you are goin to play. But you can also do the "account convert", wherein you can convert your account to another game. It's pretty simple and convient when----


"Hey Gray! Dad want you to come down now. We are goin to start soon." Chloe without warn just knock on my door. It's really annoying, I'm in a middle of explaining but I just realize it now that I am talking with no one..... Why am I talking to my self?..

I put the manual on the top of my study table, and went out of me room. I followed Chloe downstair leading straight to the kitchen. "Why are we exactly goin to the kitchen" thought to myself.

When we (Chloe and I) arrived at the kitcken. We saw mom and dad sitting to each other.

Dad waved his hand telling us to come closer, and we did exactly what Dad wants.

"Is there a problem?!" Chloe ask as we get closer to him.

"It's not really a big problem, I had just thought that when we decided to play AFO, the character creation is a bit important so we need a plan for it... Not just that, but we also need a plan for as we are still beginners." Dad explaining this with a serious face.

"Is that really necessary?" Mom's still confuse as she didn't know about this game thingy.

"Of course!" Chloe answered like she really knows everything.

"That's why I have made you all a copy about your characters and abilities suited to your likings but there's still some appearance that I didn't fill up 'cause you are all the one who should decide, just like the color of your eyes, hair, your favorite colors, and many more. All you need to do is just think of a character name and enjoy. That's all." saying this to them while passing papers for each of one.

"Wow! You really have plan this from the start? I didn't believe that you can guess what kind of likings (Concerning to this game) we want." Dad was surprised and impressed from what I've done, makin me blush.

"Ofcourse I've waited too long for this moment, that's why I have planned this with all my might making this an advantage for me. I have also finished reading the manual, just trust me and I will make us strong.... And ofcourse earn more money easily." me telling them like I already played the game.

"Well that was expected to one of the game maniacs.... Heheheh" Chloe just laughed at me but she's kinda right also.

"Correction, I'm a anime fantasy adict," I proudly say this with a full confidence.

"Okay okay.... Let's stop this right now. We have to play now, I'm really excited." Chloe stop the coversation, how rude.

"Then let's start.... Hey son! We trust you about this." I was about to leave, but Dad say something to me.

"I know.. Just leave it to me." pointing my self using my thumb (right hand) right exactly in my chest and saying it in a huge smile with a 100% confidence.