Chapter Seven: Idiots?


There's a sudden flash of light appears infront of me, getting bigger and bigger that is somewhat like it is trying to devour me whole. Because of the bright light, I flinch and immediately close my eyes. As the flash of light disappeared I slowly open my eyes and found myself surrounded by small buildings. I am now currently standing in a big circle, mark by somesort of an emblem and a big fountain behind me. Turning my head left and right with some glint in my eyes.

"So I suppose I'm in a middle of the town..... Is this even a town or a village?" I just thought to myself while still looking around me.

'But that doesn't matter as long as this is true.' thought to myself and still something glint in my eyes.

When I decided to leave at my current position, there's a sudden flash of light and some pixesl forming to a figure that shone beside me. The bright light cause me to flinch and covered my eyes with my right arm.

"Uuhh! What's with the sudden flash?" I was blinded by the light, still covering my eyes.

As long as I open my eyes, I immediately saw something familiar right exactly to where the light was coming from. There were three (3) people standing to each other, I didn't dare to look at them 'cause I know it's very awkward glaring at someone you don't know. Rather than looking directly at them, I just glanced at the top of their head thinking if I could see thier names just like in some novels that I red. But I just only saw something like a green diamond shape thingy floating in thier heads.

"I think it's what they call an " icon marker." whisper in a low quiet voice.

There's also a bar of hit points (hp) but no mana points (mp). I wonder why...

"I wonder if I also have like theirs." whisper in a low quiet voice.

I look above me and as expected, the only thing that I saw was the icon marker floating above my head. The bar that indicates my hp was not there. Soon I found out that, it is in my field of vision (digitalized vision), right above in the corner. I can also see my mana points now, just under the hp bar. I guess they made it private as they already let the hit points visible to other players. It'll be disadvantageous if they'll also see other players mana points. If they saw their opponent that they still have plenty of hp but their mp is already down, they'll take this as an opportunity to end the fight quickly as it needs mp to activate skills and abilities. But that doesn't matter, I yet have to find my family first.

"Where could they've been? Are they still making their character or they're already done and immediately head to "tutorial"?" asking to myself and making a face like I've lost something while scratching the back of my head.

"Uhm excuse me,...." Someone tapped me in my should from behind.

I turn around and saw the one person that I saw earlier and she still looks familiar.. The one talking to me was a lady around in her 40s.

"You look....familiar...Gray?" She asked in a low soft well mannered voice.

Her voice was just like Mom. Wait...

"Did she just say my real name?!" I thought to myslef. I was bombshell from what I've heard.

"Mo---.... Yes it's me!" I answered making a great wide surprised smile.

"You look so different but there's still some "Gray" appearance that was attached to your character." Mom complimented while observing me (my appearance) head to toe.

"The three people that just came together with the light, Are you those three people?"

I asked.

"Yes. When I first got here, I was surround by you and them (Dad and Chloe). You look all familiar to me that's why I started to ask whether you're all my family or not. I asked your Dad first followed by your sister and then you. And that's how I re-grouped us." Mom explained to me gently.

So they're the three people that occurs along with the light, and that explains why they're look familiar to me.

"So where's Dad and Sis Chloe?" I asked as I don't see them with Mom.

"Oh! You're asking where they were? They're right over there fooling around." Mom answered and frowned while pointing where Dad and Chloe are.

I looked over where Mom was pointing at, then I saw them (Dad and Sis Chloe) but I couldn't see them clearly 'cause they were at the other side of the fountain causing the falling of the water from the water fountain makes my vision blurry.

I get closer to where Dad and Chloe at and I'm dumbfounded from what I saw. The first and horrible thing that I saw was Dad. Dad was actually making a "masculine post" and the other thing is..... Dad is not wearing any shirt at all and still making different kinds of "masculine posts". It's like, he come up of an idea that it'll be more effective if he will do it shirtless.

"Wha---" my mouth dropped out.... I'm very shocked from what Dad was doing.

"Hold yourself up..... Look over there." Mom making a serious face and pointing out a direction.

From the location Mom was is where Sis Chloe at.

But from what I see, she (Chloe) was just standing there.... I can't really see her face 'cause she is facing on the other direction making me see just her back.

"But Sis just doin fine..." I said with nonchalant expression.

"You're not sure.... Observe her." Mom making again a serious face.

I just go to where Sis Chloe at and there I finally saw what Mom was trying to point out.

Yes, from what I said earlier was true. She is still standing like a statue that no one could see even a slightest move of her muscle. But that is not what Mom was pointing out. It is that... Chloe's face is full of sparkles, there were lots of glint in her eyes and it widened even more, her jaw was dropped down and was drolling.

"Yuck.... I mean whaaaaaa...." I'm really shocked from what I saw. I thought Sis Chloe would not do any thing foolish that would ruin her look, I mean. Is she not ashamed?  There were a lot of people looking at her. Well and also Dad.

"So, tell me what you see? Heheheh" Mom approach me and give me an explainatory question with a little giggle. It's like Mom already knew that this might happen to them.

"So you already knew that this might happen to them (Dad and Sis Chloe)?!" I was curious if Mom had a thought on this from the beggining.

"Hmmmmm..... You can also say that." Mom get closer, pointing her finger on me.....*winking smiling* (wink and smile) while giving me her answer.

'What an absurd parent.' saying in my mind and having a grimace expression.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that?! Even though I let this flow, I still know what I'm doing." Mom tap me on my shoulder, frowning. Expected from Mom, she figure out what I'm thinking easily.

"Ahhh it's n..nothing... Uhmmm... I'm kind of starting to get embarrased now 'cause of those two (Dad and Chloe) might as well start playing.. Hehe" scratching my head, making a wierd force smile, letting out a little bit of giggle and immediately left. I am trying to evade this situation from Mom (about her being an absurd parent). Hope this work.

"..." Mom glaring at me as if she know that I am ploting with something.

*sigh*..... Mom gave an "Ok" sigh.

"Let's get to that alley.... And also... Can you Mom please get them (Dad and Sis Chloe). And follow me." I gave Mom an order while pointing the direction where the alley is.

Mom just immediately turn around and heading straight to Dad and Chloe.

"Hey! You two... Come here!!!" Mom yelled at them without even caring that there are players around them.

Then Mom pinched their ear and dragged them to me.

"What are you looking at?! Come on now." Mom got pass through me while still dragging them as if like they were like pillows.

'I never seen Mom like this... She's scary... Giving me goosebumps.' I said in my head and starting to sweat.

"Ah....ah....O...okay..coming" I started running catching up to them.

We are now in the dark dirty and abandoned alley. Mom drop Dad and Sis Chloe and at the same time they're starting to get their thought out.

"Huh?! huh?! Where are we?. Oh hey hon." Dad was confused and when he saw Mom, he immediately waved at her while giving her a bright smile.

I know Dad just did that 'cause he saw Mom giving a "you're dead" stare and letting out a murderous aura.

Sis Chloe immediately got up when she feel the energy Mom was leaking.

And because of this, I promise myself that I would never anger Mom.

"you!!!...You!!!...YOU!!!...Y---" Mom was getting more and more angry and furious.

"OKAY!!! Now let's start!" I immediately interrupted Mom 'cause I know that it'll be a problem and it'll be hard to change the topic if she started lecturing.

"But first, let's add each other as a friend... And then let's form a party." opening my window and then adding them to my friends list.

"Why are we forming? Are we going to hunt?  But we still don't know anything about this game and.. And... We still don't know how to fight... Let's first go to tutorial." Chloe was curious as why we are forming a party.

"Didn't you read the manual?!...tsk...tsk...tsk" Giving Sis disappointed look. "It's not my fault. That book is too thick..And boring.. So tell me, why are we forming a party?!" Chloe just giving me an awful excuse.

"*sigh* Okay. In the manual, it says that if we go to toturial, we are goin to train by our self only, but ofcourse with the help of the npc instructor that is assigned to us, so it means that you are training without a company excluding the instructor... And according to the manual, for those players who want to spend time training with their friends, the only way is to form a party. Simply means that if we want to train with us together. Well this is the solution." Giving them a proper explanation as if I know everything.

"Wow! Son, you're so reliable... I didn't also think of that. You truly are my s---" Dad praising me. I didn't really need this praising as I only read the manual and everyone can do that, but... It's okay. If you insist to praise me. That's a great idea.

*SLAP* Mom slapped Dad from the back of his head.

"Your son?! I don't think so you muscle-head. You're not even a match to your son, not even 0.1% and you---" I immediately interrupted Mom cause I know that this will also take too long.

"O-okay okay. Let's get goin now---" doin something in my screen (specifically pressing a button). Didn't exactly know what to do this time, might as well just go straight to tutorial.