A past full of schemes, a current life full of schemes, poor child that has nothing to do with the problems of the adults of scum!

Hello girls!

Thanks for the stones, for the comments and for adding the story to your collection.


1. I am not publishing regularly, because of an event that my college class has to prepare, which is a gastronomic fair, so I'm sorry for the delay to update the stories.

2. This chapter tells the story of the main wife and Jin Liu, psychological and distorted issues.

3. Just to make it clear, I don't create characters without stories, in general everyone has stories than because they are so, or some facts that have modified or aggravated the personalities of each character. I think the only exception I'm going to make is for the "Female Leader" who is the FL of the "hero." Yes, even the 2nd prince has a bad story, which left him distorted .... of course, I still hate the 2nd prince!

4. It's not because you have a sad past that gives you the right to harm people! Unfortunately, the violence is physical, moral or sexual, perpetuates because the victim or victims can reproduce this violence, even some people who witness violence can reproduce it and people who live in the midst of violence.

5. This chapter deals with the content of item 4.



"Ling Mei'er is fine. Now the patriarch and the leader of the Ling Family are in her room, "said Bai, with an indifferent tone and a serious look.

"Thank goodness, that Ling Mei girl is fine! It would be horrible to have died with that guilt that the second prince put on her head, that would play the Ling family's reputation in the mud! "Said Jin Liu full of injustice, as if she was feeling bad for Ling Mei, when in fact she was remembering the unpleasant subject of Ling Mei of her being accused of start in an illicit affair with another man!

The second concubine looked at Jin Liu in horror as this woman who is one of the ladies of the Ling Family could say something so damaging to the daughter of the main wife ?! By the way, how could a woman say that about a teenager, making that girl's name tarnished forever!

This only happened, because the main wife is already dead!

"Even so, Jin Liu has lost her mind, does not she know that Ling Mei is the apple of the eyes of every man in the family ?! Even Jin Liu's son was conquered by Ling Mei!" thought Yang Shu looking at Jin Liu as if she were an idiot.

It is not that Jin Liu didn't understand that Ling Mei is the jewel of the Ling Family, but with a scandal of any goodwill that the older ones had to Ling Mei should have cooled a little!

In a world unjust to women, any slander already lets the whole society look at them with disdain!

Of course, that Jin Liu was not wrong, really the world was like that, but there are always exceptions, no matter who rumors about Ling Mei, for men of the Ling Family, this girl is the divine fairy who came to earth, Ling Mei is the apple that everyone loves and the divine peach that every immortal want, that is, society loves this girl! What reason? No, everyone loves a beauty, especially if it is a gentle beauty!

In other words, Ling Mei is treated with reverence and affection, independent of beyond her beauty and commercial utility of a marriage.

But for a woman like Jin Liu, there was no telling that there were women who had everything in their hands: status, beauty, family love, and society's admiration!

Especially where the strong step on the weak, Jin Liu would understand if Ling Mei was a person of the cultivation, so it would be understandable for her to be loved that way! However, Ling Mei who should be considered a parasitic garbage in the Ling Family, but she is indeed loved by all the men of the Ling Family, even the servants put her on a pedestal!! There is no way Jin Liu's narrow and troubled mind understands this detached family love!

"Madame Jin, you'd better be careful with the words that come out of your mouth, if there's nothing good to say, you'd better be silent!" Doctor Bai said coldly to the woman who only used beauty as a favoring factor of a man.

Doctor Bai always has this kind of silly thought, what should a woman do if she does not attract the affection of her husband so she can survive in the house?

If Ling Mei could know what gentle Dr. Bai thinks about women (concubines), she would probably think very badly about the doctor.

"If they do not try to attract the husband, they are unfeeling or fallen, if they use everything to attract the husband they are considered with disdain! So it is better to take a tofu and commit suicide!" Ling Mei would think, not with pity for the concubines of his family, but with pity for the majority of women.

But Ling Mei was happily being filled with a soup spoon per spoon given by her handsome older brother and being watched with eyes full of love for her brothers, grandfather, and father.

"I'm sorry, Bai Doctor, Jin Liu said too much!" Jin Liu spoke in a guilty voice and with a pale face, as if only now she "realizes" that she had said something wrong.

Yang Shu was silent and moved away from Jin Liu, she had a look of disgust on her face, not that she did not know that Jin Liu is a woman of two faces and dangerous.

Yang Shu was sure Jin Liu was guilty of the "mysterious illness" of his beloved son, Ling Wei, but he had no evidence and didn't know how the poison was being dispensed! Which made things worse and made Yang Shu feel powerless as she watched his beloved son grow weaker and weaker.

Bai the Doctor turned away from the two Ling Family concubines, he didn't like to interact with any of them, even though he found Yang Shu pleasant and unlucky since he treated little Ling Wei.

Jin Liu just looked at the Bai Doctor with a calm look, as soon as the doctor disappeared down the hallway, her dark brown eyes became poisonous and her delicate lips formed a contemptuous smile.

Jin Liu is a typical woman who fights for her husband's favor by using beauty, being a concubine and living in this world full of prejudices and dogmas for women, this lady's life was certainly difficult!

Not as if she did not know how people look at her, Jin Liu is the daughter of merchants and soon her status even lower than Yang Shu, than she's from a literary family. Jin Liu's status is almost similar to that of a high-class servant.

Then there is how the originally spoiled and gentle personality of Jin Liu have not changed.

Jin Liu really loved General Ling for many years and married in love, even his family warning about getting married as a concubine, that this could only bring unhappiness.

Yes, Jin Liu had loving parents who carried her on a pedestal, also had an older brother who pampered her and a younger brother who idolized her, but she preferred to drop all this and become a first-rate concubine, who for the young Jin Liu was the highest status she would ever achieve in her life.

Jin Liu, with her long light brown hair and dark eyes, had a delicate and beautiful face, full red lips, white teeth, eyes with thick eyelashes, soft, straight eyebrows that gave an air of calm and fragility. When she wore her floral vestments with the various layers of colored clothes between soft pink and white, she looked like a fairy that had come down to Earth!

With all this beauty she could have become the chief wife of any middle-class or rich family, but never a first-class, after all, she was the daughter of merchants, who too old people was synonymous with thieves and petty people. However, she preferred to be a concubine in a high-level family, at least for her at that moment it would be like becoming a phoenix and she would never again be looked upon with ridicule by society.

But a concubine was only a concubine!

Jin Liu's dreams were shattered like a mirage in the desert when she realized that everything she thought was an illusion was too late to return home!

Not to mention that General Ling would never allow a simple concubine to untangle him by returning to his parents' home and demanding a divorce, Jin Liu was probably dead before she could even get home to her parents! Not to mention how damaging it would be to the reputation of the Jin Liu family and to her reputation if she did that sort of thing!

So she went through the doors of the Ling family as a first-rate concubine, forever a first-rate concubine of the Ling Family, living or dead Jin Liu would keep that title!

General Ling only married Jin Liu because his wife had not given him children yet, but as soon as Jin Liu passed the back gate like a concubine, the main wife became pregnant. Jin Liu was considered the lucky charm amulet of the main wife, Chen Song! Of course, this didn't stop the main wife from making Jin Liu's life difficult!

Everything and everyone in the Ling Family Mansion ran around Chen Song, Jin Liu's first year of marriage was hell! In fact, while Chen Song remained alive, the life of Jin Liu and Yang Shu was very difficult, only when General Ling retired from the military post and spent more time at home was it that life in the mansion became more bearable, at least for the two concubines.

Chen Song was a typical main wife, she had to accept that the man she loved would be shared with others, so her gentle personality became a bit distorted and worsened when she saw the beauty of the young Jin Liu, who was 16 at the time.

Chen Song could only imagine that her beloved husband having fun with the young Jin Liu, while she grew more and fatter, this left her emotionally unstable and still more with the hormones of the pregnancy, which made her lose notion around her, so she she did not realize how she was treated like a jewel by the Ling family who was waiting for her first young master.

Yes, poor Jin Liu who suffered bitter persecution of the main wife!

In the end, Jin Liu became as distorted as the main wife!

After the birth of the first young master of the Ling Family, the main wife regained her confidence, because for the women of ancient China or western medieval history, having a child was the pinnacle of a married woman, as well as giving security to the wives!

A few months later Jin Liu, for some fate of the destiny, became pregnant and more months later also had a second young master! General Ling and Patriarch Ling were happy and proud, now they had two possible heirs!

Of course Chen Song was mind disturbed and a little paranoid with the birth of another boy, considering that she made Jin Liu's life hell, even during pregnancy, clearly the main wife was worried if Jin Liu would do any scheme against her and your son!

It was not surprising that Chen Song became paranoid, she also came from a family that planned many schemes, Chen Song was the daughter of one of the powerful ministers of the imperial court, her father had five concubines, the main wife, and a second wife. Chen Song had three older sisters and five older siblings, she was the youngest and saw the war in the harem happening with her beautiful eyes. Chen Song was the daughter of the second wife and suffered persecution from her older sister, who was the daughter of the first wife.

In short, violence and bullying reproduce and perpetuate themselves over time, until someone gives up and decides to change everything or leave the pain behind!

Well this is not the case with Chen Song and neither is Jin Liu's case, now that the main wife is dead, Jin Liu feels free, but at the same time feels threatened by the second concubine, Yang Shu, on behalf of the youth and beauty of the second concubine, of course, with a little psychopathy and paranoia, her personality has become very distorted!

Which brings us to the current situation, in which Jin Liu looks at Yang Shu with disdainful eyes and with a malicious smile.

Yang Shu ignores the first concubine's gaze and sits on a bench next to a plum tree, she is waiting for her youngest son to leave the room. The second concubine does not want Lin Wen to walk alone through the mansion after all, his body is very delicate and she is already a little paranoid about her son's illness, so she does not trust the servants of the mansion or the servants who came from her maternal family